加强体育教学 增强学生体质

来源 :南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdazf
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艺术院校的体育工作,必须紧紧地围绕培养又红又专、体魄健全的各种专门艺术人材这么一个总目标进行。作为体育工作的一个中心环节的体育教学,也不能偏离这个总目标,其基本任务应该是面向全体学生,指导学生科学地锻炼身体,增强体质。一切和体育教学有关的大纲、计划、教材、措施、办法等都应建立在这样的基础上,这应该是艺术院校公共体育教学的教学思想和基本立足点。体育教学,内容较多,涉及的面也较广,这里仅仅根据我院的专业特点和客观情况,在 The artistic work of sports academies and schools must be closely organized around the general goal of cultivating a variety of specialized artistic talents who are both red and professional and who are physically fit. Physical education as a central part of physical education can not deviate from the general goal. Its basic task should be to all students, to guide students to scientifically exercise and enhance physical fitness. All the outline, plan, teaching materials, measures and measures related to physical education should be based on such a foundation, which should be the teaching ideology and basic standpoint of public physical education in art colleges and universities. Physical education, more content, involving a wider area, here only based on the professional characteristics of our hospital and the objective situation in
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未成曲调先有情。歌欢则声与乐谐, 唱戚则音与泣共。诗言志,歌抒怀。 Unrecognized tune first love. Songs are sound harmony and music, singing Qi Qi and weep. Poetr
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