
来源 :国际纺织品流行趋势 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuezhenqian
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中国国际针织博览会(简称针博会)于8月底落幕,不同于其他贸易展会,针博会从开办之初就将主题定位为四新,即新原料、新趋势、新市场、新产品,引领行业发展趋势。本次针博会吸引了150多家纤维、面料、内衣等专业展商,这些展商纷纷推出新品,其中尤其值得关注的是芬狄诗的展区。作为安莉芳集团旗下引领时尚潮流的年轻代表品牌,芬狄诗延续了安莉芳集团一贯的国际流行设计理念和品质保证,本次展会是芬狄诗第一次以独立的品牌形象参展。 The China International Knitting Fair (referred to as the Pinbo Fair) ended at the end of August. Unlike other trade fairs, the pinpointing fair has positioned the theme as four new ones since its inception, namely new raw materials, new trends, new markets, new products, leading Industry trends. The Fair has attracted more than 150 professional exhibitors such as fabrics, fabrics and underwear. These exhibitors have launched new products, of which the Fendi Poetry exhibition area is particularly noteworthy. As the young representative brand under the leading fashion trend of Enlifang Group, Fendi Poetry has continued the international popular design philosophy and quality assurance of the Enlifang Group. This exhibition is the first time that Fendi’s poetry has exhibited as an independent brand.
美国前总统里根在任时被美国人广泛誉为“极善于沟通思想的人”(a grcat commu-nicator)。里根之所以得宠于人,自然离不开他当演员驰聘舞台的经历。他善于表演,巧于表达,见
笔者在长期的英语教学实践的过程中,总结出以下几个褒贬皆兼的英语单词,以期引起学习者的注意,各举一例加以说明。1.tempt 诱导;引诱The warm weather tempted us to go for
危机是生活中的一部分,谁也逃避不开。在这时刻,我们最要考虑的,应该是“去做点什么”。 The crisis is part of life and no one can escape. At this moment, the most im
市场有风险,创业需谨慎。据介绍,虽然这两年小本创业的成功率正在逐年提高,但还是有相当比例的加盟者退出了创业行列。而分析那些成功者的成功原因,会发现一些共性:比如有韧性、不怕失败、爱思考、关注细节等等。比如,本文的这四位主人公。    会抱怨的顾客才是好顾客    创业人:潘海群  年龄:40岁  籍贯:杭州  学历:大学  曾从事职业:导游、银行职员  在“真正奶茶”杭州耶稣堂店门口,记者见到了一
Do your socks tell you when they needcleaning? Can your shirt change color? Is yourneck tie monitoring your blood pressure? Suchpossibilities are not far off.U
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上一期介绍了同时性问题,本期再讲一下先时性和后时性问题。所谓先时性和后时性,是指两个连续发生的事态在时间顺序上有明显的先后之分。时间状语分句可以由 before,until/t
15.It suddenly____on me how it is that he becomesso absorbed in story.A.emerged B.occurred C.appeared D.dawned答案D。该句意思是“我突然明白他怎么会对这样的故事