饥饿游戏3 自由幻梦(上)

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《饥饿游戏3》的拍摄太不顺利了。先是演员菲利普·塞默·霍夫曼的突然离世。霍夫曼是第75届饥饿游戏的设计者,在这集中成为革命的重要领导者,戏份相当之重。他离世的消息公布之后,大家都在想,没有了霍夫曼,剩下的场景该怎么办?但是狮门影业的内部人员却表示,霍夫曼已经几乎完成了《饥饿游戏3:自由幻梦(上)》的拍摄,只剩下一场非常重要并且情绪化的戏份。狮门影业还做出了详尽的计划,通过数字化科技手段完成霍夫曼剩下的戏份,保证此系列最后两部电影能 “Hunger Games 3” shooting too well. The first actor Philip Somer Hoffman’s sudden death. Hoffman is the designer of the 75th Hunger Games, where the focus has become an important leader in the revolution, plays a considerable part. What happened to the rest of the scenes after everyone was told that he had died after leaving his office? But insiders at Lionsgate said that Hoffman has almost completed “Hunger Games 3: Freedom Dream (on) ”shooting, leaving only a very important and emotional part. Lionsgate Pictures has also made a detailed plan to complete the remaining parts of Huffman by means of digital technology to ensure that the last two films in this series can
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