北京弗兰克 盖里.建筑师展

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Marc & Chantal Design获太古地产委托为弗兰克·盖里首个在华建筑展担任美术指导,携手制作了一个既具启发性又能让观者充分了解盖里建筑精髓的视觉体验。经历2008的北京奥运和刚闭幕的2010上海世博,于建筑设计与创意欣赏方面,中国已经步入另一个阶段。尤其在北京,大家开始体会到创意是创作进程在时间培育下的结晶。本次于北京三里屯的展览,除了向一位建筑大师致敬外,亦希望带出这个讯息。本展览的设计着意反映弗兰克·盖里的建筑艺术,以及他的工匠神髓。展览的内部设计,受盖里的设计方式启发,Marc&Chantal Design创造出一个工匠般的 Marc & Chantal Design, commissioned by Swire Properties for Art Director at Frank Gehry’s first China Building Exhibition, has created a visual experience that is both inspiring and allows viewers to fully understand the essence of Gehry’s architecture. After experiencing the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the just-concluded 2010 Shanghai World Expo, China has stepped into another phase in architectural design and creative appreciation. Especially in Beijing, everyone starts to realize that creativity is the crystallization of the creative process under the cultivation of time. The exhibition in Sanlitun, Beijing, in addition to paying tribute to a master architect, would also like to bring this message out. The exhibition’s design is intended to reflect Frank Gehry’s architectural art, as well as his craftsmanship. Inspired by Gehry’s design, Marc & Chantal Design created a craftsman-like interior design
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