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   The NBA playoffs are here, so scoring is about to go down, right? Not exactly.
  You’ve heard it so much that you probably just accept it as fact: The NBA playoffs are here, which means scoring is about to go down, as if teams indulge themselves in points throughout the regular season then suddenly give them up like it’s Lent.
  There’s nothing in the league’s collective bargaining agreement that says it has to be that way. (I’ve even checked with Larry Coon.) And this year it won’t be that way, at least not in the Western Conference.
  Scoring doesn’t go down because of the time of year. Scoring goes down when teams make it their business to bring it down -- and that’s not on the agenda for most of the Western playoff teams.
  Seven of the top nine scoring teams in the league qualified for the playoffs in the West. The only outlier in the group is Memphis; everyone else wants to treat the game like Pop-A-Shot.
  So bring on the buckets. The rules -- no hand-checking, defensive three seconds --encourage it. Coaches are letting their teams play loosely. This is the current state of the game. Did you know that last year’s NBA Finals, when the Miami Heat beat the Oklahoma City Thunder by an average score of 102-98, was the highest-scoring Finals since 2002?
  These playoffs will feature the team(Knicks) and player (Stephen Curry) that just set single-season records for made 3-pointers. They will include a Denver Nuggets team that averaged more fast-break points than any playoff qualifier since the 2007 Golden State Warriors (and we all remember how much fun that team was).
  I’m not the only one who’s skeptical of the idea that the playoffs demand slower pace and lower scores.
  "I’ve been doing this for a long time," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said midseason."And ... Every. Single. Year. You hear the same stuff: ’Well, it’s going to be half court now. It’s going to do this. It’s going to be that.’ It just sort of fades away. Nobody has any proof of anything. It’s just psycho-babble, really.   “我干这一行已经很久了。”马刺主教练格雷格·波波维奇在赛季中期说道,“每,一,年,你都会听到同样的调调:‘现在要打半场进攻了。该做这个了,该是那样了。’该消停点了,但没人有任何真正的证据证明。这不过是胡言乱语,真的。”

  "It slows down maybe in some respects because [of] defense, energy, anxiety. Everybody’s out there playing their best basketball. When it gets slowed down, it’s not a purposeful thing. It’s just a natural progression of the way things go. Coaches and teams don’t go into the playoffs and say, ’We’re going to play slower. We’re going to have fewer possessions. We’re going to slow this thing down.’ That doesn’t happen."
  When Steve Nash got to Phoenix and started running Mike D’Antoni’s system, they averaged 110 points per game during the 2004-05 season. During the playoffs that number went up, to 112 points per game. The postseason undoing of those Suns teams wasn’t that they stopped scoring; it was that they couldn’t stop anyone else -- particularly the Spurs -- from scoring.
  "There’s times and there’s series and there’s opportunities where you get to run more," Nash said. "It’s just a matchup thing.
  "I think our biggest problem was we never had a center that could guard the rim. Teams that win in the playoffs eventually have somebody that can protect the rim. That’s just something we never had."
  Popovich lamented that the undoing of the 2012 Spurs was their inability to get fourthquarter stops. Then again, when you’re in the playoffs, eventually you’re going to go up against players who are simply unstoppable.

  Michael Jordan averaged 30 points per game during the regular season -- and 33 per game during the playoffs, when he’d presumably face better defenses on a nightly basis. Likewise, Kevin Durant and LeBron James have higher scoring averages in the playoffs than the regular season.
  迈克尔·乔丹常规赛时场均能得到30分,到了季后赛,则是场均33分,可以预见的是,他在季后赛里每场比赛都会遇到更好的防守。同样的,凯文·杜兰特和勒布朗·詹姆斯在季后赛的得分也都比常规赛高。   Midway through their second-round series last year, the Indiana Pacers had held the Miami Heat below their season average of 98.5 points in each of the first three games. Then the Heat went off for an average of 107 points to win the final three games. What happened? A couple of superstars happened.
  "I think LeBron and Wade just raised their game to a level that nobody had seen with those two playing together," Pacers coach Frank Vogel said. "Wade had been on that level before. LeBron had been on that level in Cleveland. Nobody had seen that together."
  Maybe we’ll see Durant and Russell Westbrook combine for 80. Perhaps Stephen Curry hits 10 3-pointers. I’m looking for more, not less.
  I’ll close with a thought that came to mind with the passing of longtime football broadcaster Pat Summerall this week. Technically it’s a John Madden story, but I realized it was Summerall who allowed Madden to flourish-- to become the Hey! Boom! John Madden that we loved -- because Summerall didn’t hog the microphone. In this particular game, Washington had just scored a touchdown at RFK Stadium, and the jubilant fans were so excited they were swaying. The director cut to different shots of the celebratory crowd, as Summerall kept quiet as usual. Finally, Madden weighed in: "You know, touchdowns equal happiness."
  That’s the way I feel about scoring in the NBA. Points equal joy. And these should be a joyous playoffs.

  ③全称Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Stadium,即罗伯特·F·肯尼迪纪念体育场,1961到1996年是NFL华盛顿红皮队的主场。
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随着篮球项目中的运动天赋展现出史前例的高度,照片拍摄技术也在日新月异,再加上这些令人敬畏的大牌,导致我们这篇文章最困难的部分就是敲定所有的选择。  卡梅洛·安东尼:Carmelo Anthony  TOPDOG/UNDERDOG  这个赛季我正是伴随着一期Melo封面展开的,纽约球迷们的巨大期望基本上得到了反馈。尼克斯赢下54场球,站上了大西洋分区榜首,并且自从2000年以来他们首次赢下了一个季后
“还有机会,”街球界的传奇人物“杀手”科里·威廉姆斯嘴里一遍一遍又一遍地重复道这几个字,这是2012年秋天的一个晚上,他和他的好友克里斯·科普兰正赶在驱车前往布朗克斯区的路上。就在不久前,克里斯刚刚随纽约尼克斯完成了夏季联赛的征程。  在新泽西长大的科普兰15岁搬到了弗吉尼亚州的里士满上高中,2002—06年,这位高高瘦瘦的锋线球员身披科罗拉多大学的战袍征战于大学联赛,“杀手”正是在那时与他结识的
蒂亚戈·斯普利特  2013.6.21  美航球馆 迈阿密  对自15岁起就在西班牙游历,浸淫欧陆古典美学多年的斯普利特来说,一记轻巧优雅的上篮,当然远比那些蛮横粗暴的扣篮赏心悦目。一连串虚实难辨的假动作之后,防守人被晃到九霄云外前臂漫不经心地向上探伸,指尖轻轻把球送入篮筐——“唰!”——多么精妙多么惬意多么潇洒!  这种审美趣味上的偏好并不代表斯普利特完全排斥扣篮。就在总决赛第二战,他突然心血来