Gas-Particle Flow and Combustion Characteristics of Pulverized Coal Injection in Blast Furnace Racew

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marsmoonhoo
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The two-dimensional steady-state discrete phase mathematical model is developed to analyze gas-particle flow and combustion characteristics of coal particles,as well as components concentration and temperature distribution of coal gas in the process of pulverized coal injection of blast furnace raceway.The results show that a great deal of coal gas discharges on the top of raceway away from the tuyere,and the residence time of coal particles in the region of blowpipe and tuyere is 20 ms or so and 50 ms when it reaches raceway boundary.The pressure is the highest at the bottom of raceway and the maximal temperature is about 2423 K.The char combustion is mainly carried out in the raceway and the maximum of char burn-out rate attains 3×10-4 kg/s. The two-dimensional steady-state discrete phase mathematical model is developed to analyze gas-particle flow and combustion characteristics of coal particles, as well as components concentration and temperature distribution of coal gas in the process of pulverized coal injection of blast furnace raceway. results show that a great deal of coal gas discharges on the top of raceway away from the tuyere, and the residence time of coal particles in the region of blowpipe and tuyere is 20 ms or so and 50 ms when it reaches raceway boundary. pressure is the highest at the bottom of the raceway and the maximal temperature is about 2423 K. The char combustion is mainly carried out in the raceway and the maximum of char burn-out rate attains 3 x 10-4 kg / s.
“哼,不是我,就不是我!”周童气呼呼地推开门,愤怒地离开了家。昨天晚上,他家的花瓶不知道怎么碎了,爸爸妈妈都认为是他打碎的,这令周童非常愤怒。  “真是气死我了,根本就不是我干的!”周童一边走一边自言自语,气愤不已,“可是,他们根本不相信我,这让我太难过了。”  周童甩甩头,甩掉已经溢出眼眶的眼泪,大步朝前走。他觉得自己的一颗心都要碎成两瓣了。  走着走着,忽然,有一个小女孩骑着自行车摇摇晃晃地冲