,Quasi-elastic Scattering of a Secondary 6He Beam on a 9Be Target at 25MeV/Nucleon

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houyangpeng
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The quasi-elastic scattering of a secondary 6He beam (25 MeV/n) on a 9Be target has been measured for the firsttime with the application of a sophisticated tracking detector system. The angular distribution is reported. Aphenomenological optical potential is obtained by fitting the experimental data, which encourages more accurateexperimental measurements.
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彩色泡泡来了  你吹过彩色泡泡吗?美国《大众科学》杂志的最佳发明大奖就授予了彩色肥皂泡的发明者提姆·科奥。用肥皂加上水,谁都可以吹出泡泡来。但要吹出彩色泡泡却不是一件简单的事情。真正的彩色泡泡,能发出单一鲜艳的色彩,而不是在太阳光下折射出七彩光线的普通泡泡。  35岁的提姆·科奥来自美国明尼苏达州的圣保罗市,他家的厨房里摆满了超市里能买到的各种洗涤剂和有色液体,有时还会传出爆炸声;他的脸上、衣服上
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