编辑同志: “四人帮”疯狂破坏农村卫生革命,合作医疗也深受其害。据初步了解,我地区合作医疗站有这样几种情况:有的实际上是“保健站”,谁看病谁出钱;有的就是“卖药站”;有的站写的是全免费,实际上不免,因为合作医疗站里药少,病人开了药方,只好自费到公社或县里去买;有的站不搞三土四自,光凭青霉素、
Editors Comrades: The “gang of four” has madly destroyed the rural health revolution and the cooperative medical service has also suffered. According to preliminary understanding, there are several situations in the cooperative medical stations in our region: some are actually “health stations”, and those who see a doctor who pays money; some are “sales stations”; some stations write free, practical Inevitably, because there are few drugs in the cooperative medical stations, and the patients have prescribed drugs, they have to pay at their own expense to the commune or the county to buy; some stations do not engage in three-by-four self-improvement, penicillin alone,