
来源 :广州文博 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhjzhouji
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长安末年,武后春秋高,政事多委二张,遭中宗及外朝诸大臣忌恨。神龙元年初,唐中宗联合朝中多方政治势力,通过发动宫廷政变夺得帝位,迫武后退位。本文拟就两方内侍官员墓志,说明宦官在中宗时期的兴起,与其在两次政变中发挥重大影响有关,主题实为体现内侍官员在神龙政变之作用,进而兼及其势力的发展与此有相当联系。并且,对唐前期,即唐玄宗之前世,学术界多无涉及宦官阶层,今简略论述之,以补前人之不足。 Changan the end of the year, Wuhou Chunqiu Gao, political commissar more than two, by the Chinese and foreign minister ministers hate. At the beginning of the first year of the Shenlong, Tang Zhongzong united toward multiple political parties in the DPRK and won the throne through the coup attempt of the palace. This article intends to lay the epitaphs of the officials of the two sides, indicating that the eunuch’s rise in the mid-patriarchal time is related to its significant influence in the two coup attempts. The theme is actually reflecting the role of inner paternity officials in the Shenlong coup and the development of their forces There is considerable contact. Moreover, to the pre-Tang period, that is, the previous Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang dynasty, the academic circles mostly did not involve the eunuchs, but this article briefly discussed the deficiencies of the predecessors.
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