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编辑同志:您好!我是一个私营企业的职工,由于工种的特殊性,经常进行弯腰、体位不正和提、扛重物等重体力劳动,去年患了腰椎间盘突出症。今年4月份进行手术治疗花去医疗费六千多元,加上误工及其他经济损失上万元,至今还未消除病症。 医生说此病与我的工作性质有关,并且终身不能从事重体力劳动,而我又不是在工作现场突然受伤导致不会行走。所以企业不认定是工伤,反之有的职工在工作时受了一点轻伤,花了几十元的医药费都可以报销70%并享受一切工伤待遇。换句话说只要是在工作现场见血就算是工伤吗?那么,请问法律对私营企业的职工患疾病、工伤、职业病等如何认定并赔偿?而我又属于哪一种?我又如何才可以获得医疗费及其他经济补偿呢? Editor’s Comrade: Hello! I am a private enterprise workers, due to the special nature of work, often bent over, body position and lift, carrying heavy objects and other heavy manual labor, suffered from lumbar disc herniation last year. In April this year, more than 6,000 yuan of medical expenses were spent on surgery, plus some 10 000 yuan of lost time and other economic losses, so far the disease has not been eliminated. The doctor said the disease was related to the nature of my work and could not work heavy manual labor for a lifetime, and I did not walk suddenly without being injured at the work site. Therefore, the enterprise does not consider it a work-related injury. On the contrary, some employees are slightly injured while working and can spend 70% of their medical expenses on reimbursements of medical expenses and enjoy all the work-related injuries. In other words, as long as there is blood on the job site, even if it is an occupational injury? How does the law recognize and compensate the employees of the private sector for diseases, occupational injuries, occupational diseases and so on? And which one do I belong to? How can I obtain Medical expenses and other financial compensation?
The World’s Greatest Swordsman   At an exhibition of the world’s best swordsman, the third-place fencer took the stage. A fly was released, and with an arc of his sword he cut the fly in half. The cro
各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位: 《广州市城市管理综合执法细则》业经市人民政府同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。第一章总则第一条为加强城市管理,明确综合执法的
改革开放带来了劳动关系的重大变化。 从经济结构的调整到多种经济成分共同发展,从分配关系的多样化到劳动就业的市场化,劳动者在感受到竞业压力的同时,也拥有了前所未有的选
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省委、省人民政府同意省建委《关于处理私房改造遗留问题的意见》,现作为试行稿发给你们,请研究执行。执行的情况和问题,请及时向省建委反映。 Provincial Party Committee
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