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七一前夕,中共中央决定给予徐才厚等四人开除党籍处分,对其涉嫌严重受贿犯罪问题及问题线索移送司法机关处理。对这些人的查处,充分体现了我们党从严治党、从严治军的鲜明态度,表明了以零容忍态度惩治腐败的坚强决心。徐才厚等人身居高位,可以说是位高权重。但法网恢恢、疏而不漏,最终因触犯党纪国法而被查处。他们的落马足以斩断一些违纪违法者的侥幸心理:不要以为级别越高越安全,也不要以为退休后就会安全着陆,更不要以为到了 On the eve of July 1, the CPC Central Committee decided to expel four members of the party such as Xu Caihou to expel the CCP members and transfer the clues on the suspected serious bribery and the clues to the judicial organs. The investigation and handling of these people has fully demonstrated our party’s staunch attitude of strictly administering the party and strictly controlling the army and demonstrated its firm determination to punish corruption with a zero tolerance. Xu Caihou, who occupy a high position, can be said that a high degree of weight. However, the restoration of the French Law, sparse, and eventually violated the party discipline and state law was investigated. Their fall is enough to cut off the chances of some law-breaking offenders: do not think that the higher the level the more secure, do not think it will be a safe landing after retirement, but do not think that
据Underwood E[Science,2013,342(6161):917-918.]报道,美国哈佛大学(Harvard University)神经系统科学家Lichtman J向公众展现一些盐颗粒大小的小鼠大脑组织块的结构。Licht
本泪道探针系将原实心泪道探针改为有蕊的泪道探针,除把泪道扩张及探通外,又可吸掉脓液,同时便于注入冲洗液进行冲洗,灌注各种药液或引入牵引线等用途。 The lacrimal prob
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There has been much discus-sion in the recent decade on the universality or particularity or relativism or on the rela-tions between the universal values and T
1971年12月至1972年3月共计四个月时间,我科对无菌手术伤口和门诊外伤伤口共计86例使用了504粘合剂,代替伤口用缝线缝合,经过临床实践,体会到方法简便,效果良 December 197
在当代国际投资法中,国民待遇是对各国国内法律和政策最具直接影响的法律规范。通过评介Champion Trading Company & Ameritrade International,Inc.诉埃及案仲裁庭对国民待