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我厂是中小型的铸钢专业厂,历年来为石油化工、冶金矿山、轻工、通用机械等行业生产配套铸钢什。我厂主要生产设备有1.5吨碱性电弧炉、0.5吨酸性电弧炉和0.43吨中频感应炉各一座,自制壳型造型自动流水线一条和壳芯射芯机5台,Q384清理抛丸室一座和Q265清理抛丸机三台。我厂自82年上半年开始进行企业五项整顿工作后,企业面貌有了一些变化,生产有不同程度的发展,各项技术经济指标逐年有了增长。上交利润83年比82年增长24%, 84年又比83年增长52.4%,85年上半年又比84年同期增长50%;铸件产量83、84、85年三年平均递增7.5%左右(其中阀门产量三年来增长1.3倍);三年来平均废品率在3.6%左右, 83年比82年下降5.7%, 84年比83年又下降1.68%。 Our factory is a small and medium-sized cast steel specialized factory. It has been producing supporting cast steel for petrochemical, metallurgical mining, light industry, general machinery and other industries for years. Our factory mainly produces 1.5 tons of alkaline electric arc furnace, 0.5 tons of acid electric arc furnace and 0.43 tons of medium frequency induction furnace, and a self-made shell shape automatic production line and shell core shooting core machine 5, Q384 Clean blasting room and Q265 clean blasting machine three. Since our factory began to carry out five rectification work in the first half of the year of 82, the appearance of the company has undergone some changes. Production has developed to varying degrees, and various technical and economic indicators have increased year by year. Turnover profits rose by 24% in 83 years compared with 82. In 84 years, they increased by 52.4% over 83. In the first half of 85 years, they increased by 50% over the same period of 84 years; the average annual increase of castings output in 1983 was 7.5, 83, 84, and 85. About % (of which the valve output increased by 1.3 times in three years); the average scrap rate in the past three years was about 3.6%, 83.7% in 82 years, and 84.8% in 83 years.
据英国McAlpine,Thorpe & Warrier咨询公司最近的报道,如果艾滋病继续流行,不能控制,那末复杂的草药市场潜力在最近十年内,将从49亿美元增长到2000年的470亿美元。虽然这类药
从二十世纪八十年代当文学青年开始,不知读过多少小说,更不知喜欢过多少人的小说。读过了,喜欢过了,又都忘了。但读过老汪(汪曾祺)的《露水》之后,却怎么也忘不掉,不仅忘不掉,后来,凡能见到老汪的小说,必定找来读读,如能搁在身边,得了空闲,还得读读,再反复玩味,揣摩揣摩。  后来老汪就去世了,他的地位就在我心里,上升成汪老了。也是很快就得知,人民文学出版社要给汪老出全集了。我一直关注着,汪老的全集很快就
The Autumnal Equinox(Qiufen)falls on September 23.On this day,the sun shines directly on the equator,and,as a result,daytime is as long as night.After this day,
今年3月12日至3月27日,我们访问了联邦德国BASF、Bayer、荷兰DSM三个公司,参观了四个己内酰胺生产工厂,即BASF的路德维斯港工厂、在比利时安特卫 From March 12 to March 27