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本文采用IRMA法对妇科137例患者进行血清CA125水平的测定,旨在探讨该项测定在妇科一些肿块疾病中的应用价值,现将结果报告如下。 对象和方法 一、对象: (一)对照组:38人,为我院预防保健科体格检查健康的女性,心、肺、肝、肾等重要肝器无疾患。肝、肾功能等实验室检查均正常,年龄20~36岁,平均28.4岁。 (二)实验组:137人,为我院1997年1月~1998年10月妇科病人,除26例急性盆腔炎患者,根据病史,体格检查,妇科检查,结合B超,实验室检验等诊断外,其他均系妇科住院病人,均行手术证实,病理检验确诊。其中子宫肌瘤33例;子宫内膜异位3例,包括子宫肌层内子宫内膜异位,卵巢内膜异位囊肿或子宫内膜异位症合并子宫肌瘤;恶性卵巢肿瘤18例,包括卵巢内胚窦瘤、未成熟性畸胎瘤、粘液性囊腺癌,浆液性囊腺癌、 In this paper, 137 cases of gynecological patients using IRMA determination of serum CA125 levels to explore the determination of some gynecological diseases in the application of the value of the disease, the results reported below. Subjects and methods First, the object: (a) control group: 38 people, for the prevention and health section of our hospital physical examination of healthy women, heart, lung, liver, kidney and other important liver disease without disease. Liver and kidney function tests were normal, aged 20 to 36 years, mean 28.4 years. (B) experimental group: 137 people for our hospital January 1997 ~ October 1998 gynecological patients, with the exception of 26 cases of acute pelvic inflammatory disease patients, based on history, physical examination, gynecological examination, combined with B-ultrasound, laboratory tests and other diagnostic In addition, all other gynecological inpatients were confirmed by surgery and pathologically confirmed. Including 33 cases of uterine fibroids; 3 cases of endometriosis, including endometriosis in the myometrium, ovarian endometriosis or endometriosis with uterine fibroids; 18 cases of malignant ovarian tumors, Including ovarian endodermal sinus tumor, immature teratoma, mucinous cystadenocarcinoma, serous cystadenocarcinoma,
Recently,Sichuan Institute of Metallurgical Geology & Exploration signed a strategic agreement of cooperation with Jiangxi Copper Group.The two parties will pla
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班长的家在北方,一个偏僻落后的小山村。风的家在南方,一个繁华的大都市里。风是班长带的兵。 班长对风很好,象亲兄弟一样,教他叠被、洗衣服,训练累了给风按摩,风长了痔疮都是班长