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前段时间,我拜读了《中小学数学》一书,上面刊发的一个教学片断引发了我的思考。案例:认识“三角形”1.操作感知让学生用小棒围三角形,并把每次用的三根小棒的长度填在表格里。2.探索发现有的可以围成三角形,有的却不能,这是什么原因呢?有没有办法很快判断三根小棒能否围成一个三角形呢?教师引导学生观察表中数据,体会大小关系。在学生似懂非懂的情况下,教师告诉学生,只要两条较短的小棒的长度和大于那根最长的小棒,就可以断定它们能围成三角形,否则就不能。最后得出结论。3.巩固应用教师出示了一个线路图。从新庄到星星小学,有两条路可以到达:可以先到商场再到星星小学;也可以通过双水巷直达星星小学。走哪条路比较近呢? Sometime ago, I read the book Primary and Secondary Mathematics, a teaching piece published above that triggered my thinking. Case: Awareness “Triangle ” 1. Operational Perceptions Let students use small stick triangles and fill the table with the length of each of the three sticks. 2. Exploration found that some can be surrounded by triangles, and some can not, what is the reason? Is there any way to quickly determine whether the three small rods can form a triangle? Teachers to guide students to observe the table data, understand the size of the relationship . As students knowingly understand, the teacher tells the student that as long as the length of the two shorter sticks is greater than the longest stick, they can conclude that they can form a triangle, otherwise they can not. Concluded the conclusion. 3. Consolidate the application teacher to produce a circuit diagram. From Xinzhuang to Xingxing Primary School, there are two ways to get there: you can go to the shopping mall and then to Xingxing Primary School; you can also reach Xingxing Primary School through Shuangshu Xiang. Which way to go closer?
目的:观察改良鼻饲方法对患者胃肠道不良反应的发生率和患者及家属对鼻饲法满意度的效果研究价值。方法:选择 2018 年 6 月~2018 年12 月入住我院神经内科且需鼻饲管置管的脑卒
新课标下语文教学阅读习惯的培养有利于学生形成良好的文学素养,促进学生的全面发展。然而,如何培养学生良好的阅读习惯成为了语文教学的难点。 The cultivation of Chinese
“汉语拼音之父”:  “上帝把我忘了,但我所记忆的历史还在”  “这部书稿完成的时候,我已经109岁了。我以前说过‘上帝把我忘记了’,把我遗忘在世上了。感谢上帝,让我在这个年纪还有一个清晰的头脑和思考能力。虽然我对个人生与死早已看淡,但我所记忆的历史还在前行。”周有光在新书《逝年如水——周有光百年口述》的尾声中说。  1906年1月13日,周有光出生于江苏常州,按当时的历法,尚是清朝光绪三十二年,
目的:探究质量控制措施在临床免疫检验分析中的应用价值。方法:均分 80 例需进行临床免疫检验患者,对照组正常进行临床免疫检验,观察组采用质量控制策略。就两组临床免疫检验结果