
来源 :寄生虫病与感染性疾病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fuhui
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目的证实华支睾吸虫胞囊蚴是否具有无性生殖生物学作用。方法在非流行区捕获麦穗鱼,经10尾检查证实为阴性后,作为实验用鱼;华支睾吸虫尾蚴由中山大学中山医学院寄生虫学教研室提供。分A、B组作尾蚴定量感染,两次实验相隔30 d。A组将30尾麦穗鱼放在容积为50 cm×30 cm×40 cm的玻璃鱼缸内,11 d内先后放入282条尾蚴感染麦穗鱼;B组用34尾麦穗鱼,分别将每尾鱼单独放在盛有300 m l水的玻杯中,各放入30条尾蚴感染麦穗鱼;感染后的麦穗鱼均在阳台上饲养待查。同时采用直接压片和捣碎水洗沉淀法检查囊蚴。结果 A组实验感染麦穗鱼30尾,丢失1尾,其余29尾感染率为100.00%;共检出囊蚴587个,是感染尾蚴数282条的2.08倍。B组实验感染麦穗鱼34尾,丢失3尾,其余31尾感染率为77.42%;共检出囊蚴1 024个,其中有1尾麦穗鱼检出囊蚴968个,是感染尾蚴数30条的32.27倍。A、B组检出囊蚴数的G值分别为5.84、2.53。感染率与感染度两组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.01、P<0.05)。探讨发生无性生殖的方式,认为有两种即:“囊蚴内繁殖”和“囊蚴外繁殖”;无性生殖种原来源于囊蚴内具有生物活性的游离颗粒。结论初步证实华支睾吸虫在第二中间宿主麦穗鱼体内,有第二次无性生殖过程,胞囊蚴具有无性生殖的生物学作用。 Objective To confirm whether clonorchiasis metacercaria has asexual reproductive biology. Methods The fish was caught in the non-endemic area and tested negative for 10 tests. The testis was used as experimental fish. Clonorchis sinensis cercariae were provided by the Department of Parasitology, Zhongshan Medical College, Sun Yat-sen University. Sub-A, B group of cercariae quantitative infection, two experiments separated by 30 d. In Group A, 30 fish were placed in a glass aquarium with a volume of 50 cm × 30 cm × 40 cm, 282 cercariae were infected with the fish in succession within 11 days. In Group B, 34 fish Each fish alone placed in glass filled with 300 ml of water, each placed in cercariae infected wheat ears; infected ears of fish are raised on the balcony pending investigation. At the same time using direct compression and crushing washing precipitation method to check the metacercaria. Results A group of experimentally infected wheat fish 30, lost one, and the remaining 29 infection rate was 100.00%; 587 were detected, which is 2.08 times the number of 282 infected cercariae. In group B, 34 tail-infected earwiches were infected, 3 were lost, and the remaining 31 were infected at a rate of 77.42%. A total of 1 024 metacerstica were detected, of which 968 were found from 1 tail earworm, 32.27 times of the 30 items. The G values ​​of group A and group B were 5.84 and 2.53, respectively. There was significant difference between infection rate and infection (P <0.01, P <0.05). To explore the ways of asexual reproduction, there are two kinds that are: “metaplasia ” and “metacercaria outside the breeding ”; asexual germ species originally originated in the metacercaria with bioactive free particles. CONCLUSION: Clonorchis sinensis preliminarily confirmed the second asexual reproduction process in the second intermediate host fish, and the metacercariae had the biological function of asexual reproduction.
从1987年起我们对68例肺炎病儿经过镇静、给氧、激素治疗后,症状仍不缓解的喘憋病儿,应用酚妥拉明止喘,取得了较好的疗效。 68例均为肺炎病儿,并以喘憋型肺炎(毛细支气管炎)
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