Dependency of microstructure and microhardness on withdrawal rate of Ti-43Al-2Cr-2Nb alloy prepared

来源 :中国铸造 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ROVINZ
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The intermetalic Ti-43Al-2Cr-2Nb (at.%) aloy was directionaly solidified in an electromagnetic cold crucible with different withdrawal rates (V) ranging from 0.2 to 1.0 mm?min-1, at a constant temperature gradients (G=18 K?mm-1) . Macrostructures of the aloy were observed by optical microscopy. Microstructures of the aloy were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in back-scattered electron mode and transmission electron microscopy. Results showed thatmorphologies of macrostructure depend greatly on the applied withdrawal rate. Continuous columnar grains can be obtained under slow withdrawal rates ranging from 0.2 to 0.6 mm?min-1. The microstructure of the aloy was composed of α2/γ lamelar structures and a smal number of mixtures of B2 phases and blocky γ phases. The columnar grain size (d) and interlamelar spacing (λ) decrease with an increasing withdrawal rate. The effect of withdrawal rate on microhardness was also investigated. The microhardness of the directionaly solidiifed Ti-43Al-2Cr-2Nb aloy increases with an increase in withdrawal rate. This is mainly attributed to the increase of B2 and α2 phases as wel as the reifnement of lamelae.
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