
来源 :江西社会科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangyongahz4
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十一届三中全会以来,我国企业动力机制的转变对于调动各方面的积极性,增强企业活力,发挥了极大作用,但是这种转变还很不成熟,形成的动力指向尚存在着偏差:一是动力结构不完备,由过去的精神动力和行政命令为主,取代为另一极端——仅以或过于强调物质刺激为基本动力源。二是企业的群体动力被扭曲。由于国家与企业之间的责权利关系没有规范化和契约化,企业感到政策的透明度不高,能见度差,表现的行为往往是追求短期效益和限于当年的留利水平,有的甚至仅仅只关心职工奖金福利的增长幅度,结果是助长了消费基金的膨胀,企业效益低下。因此,正确总结过去的经验教训,调整以往那种单主线推进企业 Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the transformation of the enterprise’s dynamic mechanism in China has played a great role in mobilizing all aspects of enthusiasm and enhancing the vitality of enterprises. However, this change is still immature and there is still a bias in the direction of momentum. It is the imperfect structure of power, which is dominated by the spiritual power and administrative orders of the past. It is replaced by the other extreme—it only emphasizes or emphasizes material stimulation as the basic power source. Second, the corporate power of the company is distorted. Since the relationship between the rights and the rights between the state and the enterprise is not standardized and contracted, the enterprises feel that the transparency of the policies is not high, the visibility is poor, and the performance behavior is often the pursuit of short-term benefits and is limited to the level of retained profits of the current year, and some even care only about the employees. The growth rate of bonus benefits has contributed to the expansion of consumer funds and the low efficiency of enterprises. Therefore, we must correctly sum up lessons learned in the past and adjust the single-line promotion companies in the past.
为进一步广泛开展“讲文明、树新风”活动, 中宣部、国家经贸委、国务院纠风办、全国总工会在北京联合举行全国职工职业道德先进事迹报告会,会上还公布了第三届全国 In ord
企业思想政治工作是企业现代化管理不可缺少的 重要组成部分,但是很多企业的思想政治工作者在工作时良好的主观愿望有时与客观取得的实际效果不相一致,甚至截然相反。为什么