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  中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)06-0032
  1. 明确语言目标
  首先,教师在设计语言输入活动前必须明确语言输入的目标。以人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit5 I’m watching TV为例,教师需明确本单元的功能目标是用现在进行时谈论人们正在做什么,话题是日常活动。要让学生谈论日常活动,教师需先向学生输入相关日常活动的词汇,如:Studying: be doing (one’s) homework , be reading (a book) ; Entertainment: be watching TV , be playing computer games ; Sports: be playing soccer ; be swimming 等。除此之外,教师还需让学生熟悉相关的句型,如,What are you doing ? , I’m watching TV .What’s he/she doing? He/She is doing homework.等。
  2. 设置真实语境
  初中英语的教学缺乏自然习得英语的环境,而语言又需发生在一定的情境中。所以,教师在设计语言输入活动时,应该设置真实的语言输入环境,使学生身临其境,让学生感知具体的形象,进行感受性的学习。仍然以人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit5 I’m watching TV为例,本单元涉及到新的语法结构——现在进行时,笔者在向学生输入相关句型时,会设置如下教学步骤:
  (The teacher holds a basketball in his hand )
  T : What’s this?
  S1: It’s a basketball.
  T : Can you play basketball? (Maybe some students cannot answer the question, teacher may give them smile and encouragement.)
  S2: Yes, I can.
  (Give the basketball to the student)
  T : So, please play basketball for us? (Students may be shy, teacher should try to give them courage . When the student is playing basketball, the teacher asks)
  T : What’s he doing? (Give students 2 seconds to think over , students may not answer the question, since it’s a new sentence. Then teacher give the answer)
  T : He is playing basketball. (Pay attention to the pronunciation of“is doing”and “is playing basketball”)
  Using other things that prepared by the teacher to practice the sentences again and again.
  3. 优化双边活动
  通过之前真实语境的设置,学生对词汇和句型有了基本的感性认识,在接下来的教学过程中,教师可以通过听力和阅读的训练对学生进行反复的刺激,不断加深他们对语言材料的印象。笔者仍以人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit5 I’m watching TV为例,谈谈听和读两个输入环节中双边活动的优化设计问题。
  (1)听力的设计   运用听的技能来辨别和理解话语。听的训练可以结合特定语境练习。以人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit5 I’m watching TV (2a-2b)的听力教学为例,笔者从听前、听中、听后入手,设计了如下教学步骤:
  ① Pre-listening.
  Before listening, ask students to look at the two questions in activity 2a.
  Q1: What is Steve doing?
  Q2: Does Steve want to go to the movies?
  T: The conversation is talking about what Steve is doing. And from question 1, we know you may give the answer like “...” (Try to help students to give the pattern)
  S1: We may answer the question 1 like “ He is Ving”
  T: Clever boy. And what about question 2. We know that there will be two kinds of answers, right?
  S2: Yes.
  T: And what are they?
  S3: They are “Yes, he does.” and “No, he doesn’t”
  ② While-listening.
  Activity 1
  Play the tape for the first time and ask students to listen only.
  Play the tape for the second time and ask students to answer the two questions of activity 2a.
  Give students 2 minutes to discuss their answers in pair.
  Ask two students to write their answers on the blackboard.
  Activity 2
  Show the following paragraph, play the tape again and ask students to listen and fill in the blanks.
  Jack: Hello, Steve.
  Steve: Hi, Jack.
  Jack: What (1) you (2) , Steve?
  Steve: I’m (3) TV.
  Jack: Do you want to go to the (4) ?
  Steve: That (5) good. This TV show is boring.
  Students may not fill in all the blanks for the first time, so teacher may play the tape again.
  Walk around the class and give them help if necessary.
  Encourage some students to write their answers on the blackboard.
  Play the tape and ask students to repeat the conversation above. Teacher can play the tape sentence by sentence and ask the students to repeat one by one.
  现仍以人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit5 I’m watching TV (3a)的阅读教学为例,笔者从读前,读中,读后入手,设计了如下教学步骤:
  T: Before reading the passage, please look at the four pictures in activity 3a. The boy in the first picture is Mike. And what is he doing?
  S1: He is playing basketball.   T: Quite good. You’re a clever boy. Now look at picture 2, who is the girl? What is she doing? And what about picture 3 and picture 4. Try to guess.
  Divide students into four groups and give them three minutes to discuss with their partners.
  Walk around the class and remind students to guess the answer in case they should read the text to find the answer.
  T: OK. Time’s up. Now what are your answers?
  Try to encourage several groups to show their opinions.
  T: Wow,your answers are all excellent. Now let’s begin to read the text and find out who is correct.
  閱读前,教师引导学生观察课文的插图,做出适当的预测,通过阅读前的预测,学生巩固了本单元的现在进行时的句型:He is Ving ; She is Ving . 有助于学生对文章的初步理解,让学生带着疑问进行进一步的阅读,激发他们的求知欲,为读中任务的完成做铺垫。
  Activity 1: Skimming.
  T: Now boys and girls, you have five minutes to read the text, and after reading, try to get the main idea of it.
  A. It’s a letter about Mike’s four pictures.
  B. It’s a letter about Linda’s four pictures.
  C. It’s a letter about Gina’s four pictures.
  Activity 2: Careful Reading.
  T: Now you have 10minutes to read the passage and try to choose the correct answers of these questions. OK, begin.
  1. The letter is from
  A. Linda. B. Mike. C. Gina.
  2. Where is Mike playing basketball?
  A. At school. B. At home. C. At the pool
  3. Who is Linda?
  A. She is Mike’s sister.
  B. She is Mike’s pen pal.
  C. She is Gina’s pen pal.
  4. What’s Gina doing?
  A. She is playing basketball.
  B. She is swimming.
  C. She is doing her homework.
  Ask several students to show their answers.
  T: Now read the letter again and number the pictures in the right order.
  Walk around and give the help if necessary.
  T: So after reading the letter, you have the answers to the questions before reading that you have guessed, right?
  ③ Post-reading
  Read the passage and ask students to repeat.
  Give students 5minutes to read the letter by themselves.(Give help if necessary)
  Encourage several to read it out.
  最后,是在设置Post-reading 任务时,模仿性的写作是很好的任务设计。如人教版初中英语七年级下册Unit5 I’m watching TV (3a)的阅读教学中,笔者会在读后任务中让学生完成3b的写作任务。
  [1] Krashen S. The Input Hypothesis : Issues and Implications[M].NY:Longman. 1985.
  [2] Rod Ellis. The Study of Second Language Acquisition[M] .Oxford University Press. 1994.
  [3] 全玉梅,林雪玲,何闽娥,杨延从,杨鹏辉. 厦门市初中新课程英语学科教学指导意见(试行).2010
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  [5] 廖传风.语境与语境教学法[J].外语界,2000(4).
  [6] 胡壮麟,朱永生,张德录.系统功能语法概论[M].长沙:湖南教育出版社,1987.
  (作者单位:福建省厦门市巷西中学 361000)
摘要:分析影响初中英语课堂互动的主要因素和存在的问题,紧密结合初中英语教学的实践,探究初中英语课堂师生互动的策略。  关键词:初中英语;师生互动;策略探究  中图分类号:G632.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)06-0035  众多影响初中英语课堂师生互动的因素中,教师的教学设计、教师的情感表现、学生的学习兴趣、教学评价、学生的学习习惯、教师的教学方法等是影响初中英语