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本文针对高职艺术设计类《产品包装设计》课程,在教学设计、教学方法、教学团队、教学评价等方面进行重新调整和改革,建立从企业需求和职业岗位实际工作任务所需要的知识、能力、素质要求出发,分为五个阶段,形成一个完整的包装设计课程体系,整个课程围绕学生完成一个企业真实设计项目,所需要的知识、能力展开,细分为11个任务,每个任务分别为一个教学单元。其总体设计思路是打破传统的“集中实施理论教学+集中实施能力训练”为主要特征的专业课程教学模式,通过理论结合实践、项目驱动、工学结合、案例教学、学练一体等教学模式的设计,利用多种教学场地交替教学实施,学生在完成11个任务的同时掌握11种能力,完成相应工作任务,并构建相关理论知识,发展职业能力,以实现学生和企业“零距离”的上岗目的! In this paper, according to the course of product packaging design in the art design class of higher vocational education, we should readjust and reform the teaching design, teaching methods, teaching team, teaching evaluation and so on, and establish the knowledge and ability required by the actual needs of enterprises and occupations , Quality requirements starting, divided into five stages, forming a complete packaging design course system, the entire curriculum around the students to complete a real design project, the required knowledge, ability to start, subdivided into 11 tasks, each task respectively As a teaching unit. The overall design idea is to break the traditional “concentrated implementation of theoretical teaching + focus on the implementation of capacity training” as the main characteristic of the teaching mode of professional courses, combining theory with practice, project-driven, combination of work and study, case teaching, learning and practicing integrated teaching mode Design, use of a variety of teaching sites alternate teaching implementation, students in the completion of 11 tasks at the same time master 11 kinds of ability to complete the corresponding tasks, and build the relevant theoretical knowledge and development of vocational skills to achieve students and businesses The purpose of the posts!
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