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以现场调查、试验测试数据为依据,从降水(主要指大暴雨或连阴雨)改变地形地貌促使滑坡形成、改变滑坡土的成分构成、改变滑坡的土体结构及稳定性、改变滑坡土的力学强度4个方面阐述了对黄土滑坡的诱发作用。选择典型城市的系列降水资料及发生滑坡数量,从多年降水、年内降水过程及降水的空间变化3个方面阐述了对黄土滑坡的时空影响。年际上,同一区域滑坡发生的频次与多年降水过程呈现良好的相关性,存在丰水年发生滑坡次数多、规模大而枯水年发生滑坡次数少、规模小的规律,丰水年发生滑坡数量一般是枯水年的3~5倍、平水年的1~2倍;年内滑坡集中出现于6-9月份和2-3月份,占全年滑坡数量的80%以上;不同区域,年降水量及降水强度越大,黄土滑坡发生频率越高,规模也越大;自东南向西北,随着降水量及降水强度的递减,依次划分为黄土滑坡强发育区、较强发育区和一般发育区。 Based on field investigation and test data, the change of topography from precipitation (mainly heavy rainstorms or even overcast rainy days) can lead to the formation of landslides, change the composition of landslide soils, change the structure and stability of landslides, and change the mechanical strength of landslides. 4 The aspects of the loess landslide induced. A series of typical precipitation data and the number of landslides are selected. The temporal and spatial effects on the loess landslide are described from three aspects: precipitation over many years, precipitation during the year and spatial variation of precipitation. In the interannual period, the occurrence frequency of landslides in the same area shows a good correlation with the precipitation over many years. There are many landslide occurrences in wet years, with large scale and few landslides in small dry years and small scale. Landslides occurred in wet years The number is usually 3 to 5 times of the dry year and 1 to 2 times of the normal water year. Landslides occurred mainly in June-September and February-March, accounting for more than 80% of the annual landslides. In different regions, annual precipitation The greater the amount and precipitation intensity, the higher the frequency of loess landslides and the larger the scale. From southeast to northwest, with the decreasing of precipitation and precipitation intensity, the loess landslide area is divided into strong and high development zones and general development Area.
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