First-principles study on the lattice stability of elemental Co,Rh,and Ir in the ⅧB group

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangwu2007
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Lattice constants, total energies, and densities of state of transition metals Co, Rh, and Ir in the VⅢB group with different crystalline structures were calculated via generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of the total energy plane wave pseudopotential method in first-principles. The lattice stabilities of Rh and Ir are ΔG bcc-hcp > Δ Gfcc-hcp > 0, agreeing well with those of the projector augmented wave method in first-principles and the CALPHAD method in spite of elemental Co. Analyses of the electronic structures to lattice stability show that crystalline Rh and Ir with fcc structures have the obvious characteristic of a stable phase, agreeing with the results of total energy calculations. Analyses of atomic populations show that the transition rate of electrons from the s state to the p or d state for hcp, fcc, and bcc crystals of Co and Rh increases with the elemental period number to form a stronger cohesion, a higher cohesive energy, or a more stable lattice between atoms in heavier metals. Lattice constants, total energies, and densities of state of transition metals Co, Rh, and Ir in the VIIIB group with different crystalline structures were calculated via generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of the total energy plane wave pseudopotential method in first-principles. The lattice stabilities of Rh and Ir are ΔG bcc-hcp> ΔGfcc-hcp> 0, agreeing well with those of the projector augmented wave method in first-principles and the CALPHAD method in spite of elemental Co. Analyzes of the electronic structures to lattice stability show that crystalline Rh and Ir with fcc structures have the obvious characteristic of a stable phase, agreeing with the results of total energy calculations. Analyses of atomic populations show that the transition rate of electrons from the s state to the p or d state for hcp, fcc, and bcc crystals of Co and Rh increases with the elemental period number to form a stronger cohesion, a higher cohesive energy, or a more stable lattice between atom s in heavier metals.
摘要 利用国家环保局监测站污染物观测数据和空气质量指数(AQI),系统分析2013—2018年上海地区、江苏省13个地级市及浙江省11个地级市臭氧、PM2.5和AQI时空变化特征,以及臭氧浓度与AQI指数、PM2.5和气体污染物(NO2和CO)关系。研究发现:长三角地区空气质量呈转好趋势,PM2.5浓度呈下降趋势,空气质量逐渐提高,但臭氧污染明显增加,并且将逐渐成为长三角地区首要污染物。  关键词
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