Research and implementation practice of integrated process control technology at Baosteel

来源 :Baosteel Technical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ylzhou40
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To improve the quality of outstanding products like automobile steel sheet etc.,Baosteel has spared no efforts to the studying and application of Baosteel integrated process control(BPC ) and diagnosis technology.In the light of the running mode of integrated process control,analysis and diagnosis,Baosteel has realized the full process including steel making,hot-rolling,cold-rolling data traceability.The research and implementation practice of the BPC systems,which specialized on iron and steel manufacturing process,mainly based on the key input variables(KIV) and keyoutput variables(KOV),has been constructed on the plant level and corporate level.Based on the BPC system,Baosteel has established a data processing platform to monitor and analysis the process data,puts forward a efficient data gathering technology,which directly gather the data from the cross-platform of different kinds of systems,such as the plant level process computer,PLC, DCS,PCS etc.In the mean time,a unique mass data processing technology has also been developed.The system can be used to reveal the latent rules between KIV and KOV during the melting and rolling of steel products.This artcal takes the cold products for example to explain the model establishing,applying and optimizing the design between the KIV and the KOV,aims to advance the products capability.During recent years,the BPC technology has been gradually developed from the point to the line,from the line to covered the plane,it has integrated the information technology,the statistical process control technology,the quality diagnosis technology into the steel products integrated management.The BPC system has been developed as a product quality management technology fulfilled with characteristic elements and efficiency,a unique path to continuously enhance the steel products performance. To improve the quality of outstanding products like automobile steel sheet etc., Baosteel has spared no efforts to the studying and application of Baosteel integrated process control (BPC) and diagnosis technology. The light of the running mode of integrated process control, analysis and diagnosis, Baosteel has realized the full process including steel making, hot-rolling, cold-rolling data traceability. the research and implementation practice of the BPC systems, which special on iron and steel manufacturing process, primarily based on the key input variables (KIV ) and keyoutput variables (KOV), has been constructed on the plant level and corporate level. Based on the BPC system, Baosteel has established a data processing platform to monitor and analyze the process data, puts forward a efficient data gathering technology, which directly gather the data from the cross-platform of different kinds of systems, such as the plant level process computer, PLC, DCS, PCS etc.In the mean time, a unique mass da ta processing technology has also been developed. The system can be used to reveal the latent rules between KIV and KOV during the melting and rolling of steel products. this artcal takes the cold products for example to explain the model establishing, applying and optimizing the design between the KIV and the KOV, aims to advance the products capability. Working recent years, the BPC technology has been developed from the point to the line, from the line to covered the plane, it has integrated the information technology, the statistical process control technology, the quality diagnosis technology into the steel products integrated management. BPC system has been developed as a product quality management technology fulfilled with characteristic elements and efficiency, a unique path to continuously enhance the steel products performance.
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