Anti-disturbance control of hypersonic flight vehicles with input saturation using disturbance obser

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:David_storm
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This paper proposes an anti-disturbance control scheme for the near space vehicle(NSV) based on terminal sliding mode(TSM) technique and disturbance observer method. To tackle the system uncertainty and the time-varying unknown external disturbance of the NSV, a disturbance observer based on TSM technique is designed which can render the disturbance estimate error convergent in finite time. Furthermore, an auxiliary design system is introduced to analyze the input saturation effect. Based on the developed disturbance observer and the auxiliary design system, an anti-disturbance attitude control scheme is developed for the NSV using the TSM technique to speed up the convergence of all signals in closed-loop system. For the closed-loop system,the stability is rigorously proved by using the Lyapunov method and we guarantee the finite time convergence of all closed-loop system signals in the presence of the integrated affection of the system uncertainty, the input saturation, and the unknown external disturbance. Simulation study results are given to show the effectiveness of the developed TSM anti-disturbance attitude control scheme using the disturbance observer and the auxiliary system for the NSV. This paper proposes an anti-disturbance control scheme for the near space vehicle (NSV) based on terminal sliding mode (TSM) technique and disturbance observer method. To tackle the system uncertainty and the time-varying unknown external disturbance of the NSV, a disturbance Based on the developed disturbance observer and the auxiliary design system, an anti-disturbance effect. The control strategy is developed for the NSV using the TSM technique to speed up the convergence of all signals in a closed-loop system. For the closed-loop system, the stability is rigorously proved by using the Lyapunov method and we guarantee the finite time convergence of all closed-loop system signals in the presence of the integrated affection of the system uncertainty, the input saturation, and the unkno wn external disturbance. Simulation study results are given to show the effectiveness of the developed TSM anti-disturbance attitude control scheme using the disturbance observer and the auxiliary system for the NSV.
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