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西红柿,又叫番茄、番柿,果实红艳,酸甜多汁,是西方舶来的美味蔬菜,深受人们的喜爱。可在16世纪以前,这样的佳品竟然无人问津,甚至对它望而生畏。原来,西红柿的祖籍在南美洲的秘鲁。当时它生长在丛林,当地人叫它“狼桃”。直到16世纪,英国俄罗达拉里公爵游览到秘鲁,看到这种枝叶繁茂、色形俱美的果品很高兴,于是把它带回英国皇宫,作为珍贵的礼品奉献给他的夫人伊丽莎白女皇欣赏。从那以后西红柿才在异国他乡生长起来,但由于它的枝叶有一种难闻的气味,人们认为它的果实有毒,谁也不敢吃,只限于观赏。到了18世纪,法国有一位画家横下心来,冒死尝试一口“狼桃”的滋味,顿觉酸甜可口,但想到人们对它的恐怖印象,仍不免心惊肉跳。于是他穿戴好全身服装、安排好后事,便直挺挺地躺在床上,等待着死神降临。可时间一分一分过去,十二个小时都过去了,冒险的画家却安然无恙的活着。后来,这位画家不畏牺牲尝试“狼桃”的事情在各地传为美谈同时也引起了更多科学家的研究兴趣 18世纪光 Tomatoes, also known as tomato, tomato persimmon, red fruit, sweet and sour juicy, is the West to the delicious vegetables, by people’s favorite. Before the 16th century, such an excellent product was unattended and even daunting to it. It turned out that the ancestral home of tomatoes in Peru in South America. At the time it grew up in the jungle, locals call it “wolf peach”. It was not until the 16th century when the Duke of Dalai d’Oro, in the United Kingdom of Russia, visited Peru and was delighted with the luxuriant foliage and fruit of this beautiful color, and brought it back to the Royal Palace of London for her precious gift to his wife, Queen Elizabeth. . Since then tomato has grown in a foreign country, but because of its foliage there is a bad smell, people think it’s toxic fruit, who dare not eat, limited to watch. By the 18th century, a painter in France came to a halt to try the taste of “wolf peach”, which was sweet and soothing. However, people still could not help but think of the horror of it. So he put on his whole body clothing, arranged a funeral, then lying straight on the bed, waiting for the death coming. Can be a time past, twelve hours have passed, adventurous painter alive alive. Afterwards, the painter’s sacrifice of trying “wolf peach” was spread throughout the country as a memeber while also arousing the interest of more scientists. 18th Century Light
利用微生物制作食品的科学和技术,一直为人类所重视,并取得了许多重大的成就,由中国祖先独创的豆豉,就是硕果之一。 豆豉,是用大豆经过蒸煮发酵制成的美味食品。优质的豆豉
豆腐的发明可谓是人类餐饮史上的一大幸事,几经美食家演变,历经时间检验流传甚广。目前,豆腐在日本、美国等地深受重视,并被视为健康食品。其营养全面,蛋白质约含 40~ 60%,高于多种植
茶水放置一夜后,人们习惯将其倒掉,理由是隔夜茶对身体健康不利。其实隔夜茶只要能好好利用,同样也可变废为宝! 隔夜茶含有丰富的维生素,用它来洗头, After placing the tea
护发香波能滋养头发(错) 头发不能从外界获得营养。香波通常只能通过软化头发表面细胞,使头发显得柔软并富有光泽。任何护发用品都不能加速头发生长,其脱落主要是和机体内的