伟大祖国的药物资源及其利用 咖啡因的原料——茶葉

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我国是一个历史悠久文化发达的伟大国家,山河辽阔而壮丽,资源富饶而丰足,‘伟大的祖国’是我们常引见自豪的称号。在药物方面,我国亦有很丰富的资源,1578年李时珍所著的‘本草纲目’中,即记载有植物性药材1195种,动物药材340种,矿物性药材357种,由此亦可见到我们的祖先对于祖国药物资源的发现和利用是有很大贡献的。过去在反动政府统治和帝国主义的政治、经济、文化侵略下,工业很落后。制药工业也不例外,得不到发展,以致许多宝贵的药物资源,没有很好的加以科学研究和充分的利用。解放以后,人民取得了政权,在党的领导下,各项事业都在迅速的发展,现在第一个五年经济建设计划已进入第二年,制药工业配合着人民的需要相应地发展,药物逐步地走向自给自足,因此开发我国药物资源和利用这些资源以生产需要的药品,就成为我们药学工作者一个光荣的任务。为了达到这个目的,我们必须发动大家来介绍我国药物的资源和利用它到实际生产上去的方法与经验。这样,一方面藉此进一步的了解我国有那些可供制药的资源,供给生产方面参考,使祖国蕴藏的资源得以充分利用;另一方面可以互相交流经验心得,提供资料,促进制药事业的发展。这就是我们增辟‘伟大祖国的药物资源及其利用’一栏的动机。但由于有关的资料比较难找,药物资源的范围很广,包括各种矿产、土特产、植物性药材、动物性药材、以及其他工业的副产品等等。因此,要把这一栏编写得好,绝不是少数同志的力量所能胜任的,只有大家共同来收集资料,并且把大家的经验心得总结起来,经常供给有关的稿件或补充材料,共同编写,才能使这一栏充实起来。 China is a great country with a long history and a developed culture. The mountains and rivers are vast and magnificent, and resources are abundant and abundant. The ‘great motherland’ is a title that we often draw pride in. In terms of drugs, China also has abundant resources. In the ’Compendium of Materia Medica’ written by Li Shizhen in 1578, there were 1,195 kinds of botanical herbs, 340 kinds of animal medicines, and 357 kinds of mineral medicines, which also showed us The ancestors made great contributions to the discovery and utilization of the drug resources in the motherland. In the past, under the reactionary government rule and imperialist political, economic, and cultural aggression, industry was lagging behind. The pharmaceutical industry is no exception. Without development, many valuable drug resources have not been well studied and fully utilized. After the liberation, the people obtained power. Under the leadership of the party, all undertakings are developing rapidly. Now that the first five-year economic development plan has entered the second year, the pharmaceutical industry will develop accordingly with the needs of the people. Progressively self-sufficient, so the development of our country’s drug resources and the use of these resources to produce the needed drugs has become a glorious task for our pharmacy workers. In order to achieve this goal, we must mobilize everyone to introduce the resources of our country’s medicines and the methods and experience of using it in actual production. In this way, on the one hand to further understand our country has those resources for pharmaceuticals, supply production reference, so that the resources of the motherland can be fully utilized; on the other hand can exchange experiences and experience, provide information, and promote the development of the pharmaceutical industry. This is the motivation for us to increase the scope of the ‘big medicine resources of the great motherland and its use’. However, because the relevant information is relatively difficult to find, the scope of drug resources is very wide, including various minerals, native products, botanical herbs, animal medicines, and other industrial by-products. Therefore, to write this column well is by no means the capacity of a few comrades. It is only when everyone gathers information together, and it summarizes the experience of everyone, and often provides relevant manuscripts or supplementary materials for joint preparation. In order to make this column full.
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机械能在高中物理当中是一个重难点也是高考常考点,本文结合这部分知识总结了学习机械能的一些心得,在此进行分享希望能够对广大高中同学予以一定帮助。 Mechanical energy