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在清代琉璃建筑修缮过程中,遵照“不改变古建筑文物原貌”的修缮保护原则,保持清代盛世琉璃瓦件釉面原有的颜色和光泽效果,是古代琉璃建筑修缮保护所要遵循的重要准则之一。在清代乃至当代的琉璃建筑修缮过程中更换瓦件时,这种颜色与光泽的延续是以老的瓦件为标样,委托窑场进行烧制,并以委托人的视觉作为新瓦颜色与光泽是否合适的检验标准。本文拟以清代具有典型釉面颜色和光泽的琉璃瓦件为对象,通过专家评价与科技检测的综合研究方法,以期对清代典型黄色、绿色、蓝色琉璃瓦件的颜色和光泽进行量化表征,通过CIELAB显色系统,给出量化的颜色与光泽数据指标,以此作为清代官式琉璃瓦件复制品的颜色与光泽质量检验标准,指导与规范清代官式建筑琉璃瓦件的烧制与质量检验。 In the Qing Dynasty glass construction repair process, in accordance with “do not change the original appearance of ancient buildings, ” the principle of repair and protection, to maintain the flourishing glazed glazed tiles of Qing Dynasty glaze original color and gloss, is the ancient glass building repair protection to be followed One of the important guidelines. In the Qing Dynasty and even contemporary glazed building renovation process to replace the tile, the continuation of this color and gloss is based on the old tile as the standard, commissioned kiln farm to burn, and the client’s vision as a new tile color And gloss is the appropriate test. In this paper, glazed tile with typical glaze color and gloss in the Qing Dynasty is taken as the object, and through comprehensive research methods of expert evaluation and technology testing, the color and gloss of typical yellow, green and blue glazed tiles in Qing Dynasty are quantitatively characterized, By CIELAB color system, given the quantitative color and gloss data indicators, as the Qing Dynasty official glazed tile replica of the color and gloss quality inspection standards to guide and regulate the Qing Dynasty official building glazed tile firing and quality test.
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