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轰轰烈烈的抗美援朝的斗争进行以来,已经整整一年了。这是一个伟大的国际主义与爱国主义相结合的斗争。这个神圣的斗争对于中国自身和对于全世界都有极大意义,已为一年来的事实所充分证明。中朝人民的伟大胜利,已奠定了抗美战争最后胜利的基础,只要我们绝不松懈,并继续加强抗美援朝的斗争,朝鲜战争必将以侵略者的失败而告终,这是毫无疑问的。回顾一年来的斗争的史实,我们充满了胜利的无限信心! 抗美援朝的斗争是在全国人民忍无可忍的极大愤慨的心情下展开的。去年六月二十五日,美国政府指使其南朝鲜傀儡李承晚集团突然进攻朝鲜民主主义人民共和国。二十七日,美国总统杜鲁门一面发表声明公然宣布武装侵略朝鲜并且派遣美国第七舰队侵占我国的领土台湾;一面操纵安全理事会非法通过强迫它的仆从国出兵帮同侵略朝鲜的决议。我国中央人民政府周恩来外长对于美帝国主义侵占台湾的非法行为提出了严重抗议,并且致电联合国支持苏联代表所主张的和平调处朝鲜问题。但是美国侵略者对于我国人民的抗议置若罔闻,并且变本加厉,于八月二十七日起,连续派遣其侵朝空军侵入我国东北国境轰炸扫射。造成我国人民生命财产的严重损失。我国人民一次一次的抗议:美国侵略者却一次比一次的更加疯狂挑(?)。很清楚,美国帝国主义是妄图灭亡朝鲜,进攻我国!九月十五日,美国侵略军在败退到洛东江边的大邱釜山三角地带之后,又结集其全部兵力,登陆仁川港;九月三十日侵佔汉城,继续向北进犯,其势咄咄逼人。我国中央人民政府周恩来总理,于同日发表演说,警告美帝国主义:“中国人民热爱和平,但是为了保卫和平,从不也永不害怕反抗侵略战争。中国人民决不能容忍外国的侵略,也不能听任帝国主义者对自己的鄰人肆行侵略而置之不理。”次日,正是我国国庆节,我全国人民在热烈集会庆祝时,都一致表示拥护周总理报告,并坚决准备反抗侵略战争。但是美国侵略者不顾中国人民的警告,竟于十月二日越过三八线,二十一日侵陷平壤,继续向北进攻,把战火扩大到我国边境。同时它继续操纵联合国大会通过佔领全朝鲜的血腥提案。面对着美帝疯狂的侵略行动,以及日益逼近的战火,中国人民乃忍无可忍,组织了强大的志愿军奔向抗美援朝保家卫国的最前线! It has been a whole year since the vigorous struggle against U.S. aggression and aid Korea was carried out. This is a great combination of internationalism and patriotism. This sacred struggle has great significance for China itself and for the whole world and has been fully proved by the facts of the past year. The great victory of the Chinese and DPRK peoples has laid the foundation for the eventual victory of the war on the United States. As long as we never let go and continue to intensify the struggle against the United States and Korea, the Korean war will surely end with the failure of the aggressors. This is undoubtedly the case. Looking back at the historical facts of the struggle of the past year, we are full of the infinite confidence of victory. The struggle against US aggression and aid Korea was launched under the indignation of the people throughout the country. On June 25 last year, the U.S. government directed the south Korean puppet Syngman Rhee clique to suddenly attack the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. On the 27th, U.S. President Truman announced in a blatant announcement of armed aggression against North Korea and dispatched the Seventh Fleet of the United States to encroach on China’s territories of Taiwan. He manipulated the Security Council to illegally seek to invade North Korea by forcing its troops to send troops to help it. Foreign Minister Zhou Enlai of the Central People’s Government of China raised a serious protest over the illegal act of U.S. imperialism in its occupation of Taiwan and called the United Nations to support the issue of peace and mediation of North Korea advocated by the Soviet representative. However, the U.S. aggressors turned a deaf ear to the protests of our people and intensified their operations. From August 27, onwards, the U.S. aggressors dispatched them to continue their invasion of the air force and intruded into the territory of northeast China for bombardment. Causing serious loss of life and property of our people. Once and again, our people are protesting that the U.S. invaders are more insane (?) Once and for all. It is clear that the U.S. imperialism is trying to perish North Korea and attack our country. On September 15, after the U.S. aggression army retreated to the Triangle of Busan, Daegu, on the banks of the Nakdong River, it assembled all its forces and landed at Incheon Port. On September 3 Occupying Seoul on the 10th and continuing to commit crimes to the north were overbearing. Premier Chou En-lai of the Central People’s Government of our country made a speech on the same day to warn the U.S. imperialists that “the Chinese people love peace, but in the interests of safeguarding peace, they have never been afraid of invading a war of aggression. The Chinese people must not tolerate foreign aggression nor allow them The imperialists ignored their neighbors for aggression. ”On the next day, just during the National Day, my people throughout the country unanimously expressed their support for Premier Zhou’s report and were resolutely prepared to resist the war of aggression. However, despite the Chinese people’s warning, the U.S. aggressors actually crossed the 38th parallel on October 2 and they invaded Pyongyang on the 21st and continued to attack northwards to expand the war to the border of our country. At the same time, it continues to manipulate the bloody proposal by the UN General Assembly to seize the entire country. In the face of the insurgent act of aggression by the U.S. imperialists and the increasingly approaching war, the Chinese people are overwhelmed and organized a strong volunteer force to head the forefront of the War Resplendent Patriotic War on Korea.
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