,Sound Propagation in a Wedge with a Rigid Bottom

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hetongzhixia
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Sound propagation in a wedge with perfectly reflecting boundaries is one of the few range-dependent problems with an analytical solution.Since sound propagation towards the wedge apex will be completely backscattered due to the perfectly reflecting boundaries,this test problem is an ideal benchmark for a full two-way solution to the wave equation.An analytical solution for sound propagation in a wedge with a pressure-release sea surface and a pressure-release bottom was presented by Buckingham et al.[J.Acoust.Soc.Am.87(1990) 1511].The ideal wedge problem with a rigid bottom is also of great importance in underwater acoustics.We present an analytical solution to the problem with a wedge bounded above by a pressure-release sea surface and below by a rigid bottom,which may be used to provide informative means of investigating the sound field in depth-varying channels,and to establish the accuracy of numerical propagation models for which it is difficult to treat problems with a pressure-release bottom.A comparison of the analytical solution and the numerical solution recently proposed by Luo et al.[Chin.Phys.Lett.29 (2012) 014302] is also presented,indicating that this numerical propagation model provides high accuracy.
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