二十世纪90年代,是县市党委机关报报业发展的一个盛期。本文所述的浙江省县市报的“办报热”不过是全国出现的这种趋势的一个缩影。 一、县市机关报“办报热”的出现是经济发展的必然 80年代,浙江省仅有3家县级党委机关报,即诸暨报、江山报和永康报。进入90年代,县市报如雨后春笋般地冒了出来,如杭州、绍兴、金华等地区,如今实现了县县市市有党报;个体、私有经济发达的温州市,辖11个县市区,其中有6个县市也办了党报。
In the 90s of the 20th century, it was a flourishing period for the development of the newspaper industry at the county Party committees and government agencies. The “hotline” reported by the county and city newspapers in Zhejiang Province described in this article is but a microcosm of this trend that has emerged in the country. First, the county and municipal organs reported “hot” is the inevitable economic development of the 80’s, Zhejiang Province, only three county-level party organs reported that Zhuji, Jiangshan and Yongkang. Into the 90’s, the county newspaper mushroomed popped out, such as Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua and other regions, and now realize the county cities and cities have the party newspaper; individual and privately-developed economy in Wenzhou City, 11 counties under the jurisdiction of the city, Six of these counties also run party newspapers.