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读到这篇《暂居德国》是非常偶然的机会。我得承认,编辑《外面的世界》的一年以来,还是第一次读到如此清晰而震撼的文字。那些文字如同窗外屋檐下流动的风,在下着雨的夜晚迷了你的眼,而音箱里的那个死去的歌者的声音仍是如此纯粹,他唱着已经不能再独自行走了,因为时代的风竟是如此强烈。就像这些漂亮甚至忧郁的文字所带给我们的。人与人之间的爱与包容,而战争则像一道无法弥补的伤痕,划过我们这个时代。从海湾战争到9·11,我们可以更清晰地看见这个世界运转的轨迹,从全世界共通的爱与人性,或许我们亦能站得更高来面对未来。这就是我看见那个关于汉堡的五口之家和一个中国人的生活和故事,为什么会有轻轻的感动,每个人的命运都烙上了时代的印记,他们的生存与奋斗,欢乐与泪水是如此真实,相对于“汉堡有很多漂亮的房子,一条宽阔的河和高耸的教堂”这般文字,我从心底里喜欢前者,并为作者而骄傲。 Reading this “Temporary Stay in Germany” is a very accidental opportunity. I have to admit that for the first time in the year of editing “Outside the World”, it was the first time I had read such clear and shocking words. The words are like the wind flowing down the roof of the window, and you lost your eyes on the rainy night. The voice of the dead singer in the speaker was still so pure that he could no longer walk alone because of the times. The wind is so strong. Like these beautiful and even melancholy words brought to us. The love and tolerance between people, and the war is like an irreparable wound, passing our time. From the Gulf War to September 11, we can see the trajectory of this world more clearly. From the common love and human nature of the world, perhaps we can stand taller to face the future. This is how I saw the life and story of a family of five and a Chinese about Hamburg. Why is there a touch? Each person’s destiny is branded with the mark of the times, their survival and struggle, joy and tears. It is so true that I like the former from the bottom of my heart, and I am proud of the author, as opposed to “Hamburg has many beautiful houses, a wide river and a towering church.”
回到家里,家中放了一大箱方便面。我那难得空闲的父母一定又坐上“波音”往返各城市做讲演去了。PM 6:00 我一边吞咽着方便面。一边修改用于参赛的小论文。这时电话铃响了。
漫漫夜空中,繁星点点。又是一个晴朗的夜,静谧与安宁笼罩着世界。 The night sky is full of stars. It was a clear night again, where silence and peace enveloped the
当我醒来的时候,第一眼就看到哭红了眼的母亲,正一遍遍地呼唤着我的名字,正如15年前我来到这世上一样……——题记 When I woke up, I saw at first glance the mother who