
来源 :岩土工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chunyu1988
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原文论述了某拱坝天然基础时三维小块体地质力学模型的试验研究成果。文中介绍了有关的相似准则、模型材料和试验方法,并分析了坝体及其两坝肩的承载能力和破坏机理。该坝最大坝高177m,模型比例为1:200,而且坝肩地质构造比较复杂,到目前为止,这是国内已完成的规模最大的拱坝地质力学模型试验。这项试验工作在发展大型地质力学模型试验技术方面作出了贡献。 这项试验工作还为该工程提供了研究成果。指出左岸山体单薄,左岸山体的变位大于右岸,并指出左岸F_(73)、F_(71)断层出现较大压缩变形;且左岸上游G_4伟晶岩劈理带出现向山体内延伸较深的张性裂缝;并建议采取有效的补强措施加固坝肩。笔者曾对该拱坝的两个高程,即560m和540m高程进行过七个平面模型试验,亦曾得出相似的结论。 The original research results on the geomechanical model of three-dimensional small blocks at the natural foundation of an arch dam are discussed. The similarity criteria, model materials and test methods are introduced in the article, and the bearing capacity and failure mechanism of the dam body and its two dam shoulders are analyzed. The dam’s maximum dam height is 177m, the model ratio is 1:200, and the abutment geological structure is relatively complex. So far, this is the largest scale geo-mechanical model test for arch dams completed in China. This test work has contributed to the development of large geomechanical model test techniques. The test work also provided research results for the project. It is pointed out that the left bank is thin, and the displacement of the left bank is greater than that of the right bank, and it is pointed out that the F_(73) and F_(71) faults on the left bank have large compressive deformations; and the G_4 pegmatite tectonic belt on the left bank appears deeper in the mountain. Sexual cracks; and suggest that effective reinforcement measures be taken to reinforce the abutment. The author has conducted seven plane model tests on the two elevations of the arch dam, namely the 560m and 540m elevations, and have reached similar conclusions.
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编号部    位男病例数 % 发病率1/10万 标准率1/10万 位次女病例数 % 发病率1/10万 标准率1/10万 位次14 0 -14 9口腔和咽部的恶性肿瘤14 0唇  5 0 .0 5  0 .2  0 .1
湖州市第二中学坐落在湖州市学士路,创办于1901年,2001年11月成功地举办了湖州二中建校100周年庆典。现系浙江省一级重点中学。2003年,学校占地面积200000 Huzhou Second Mi