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长期以来,尽管很多电影界的专业人士都一再力证:奥斯卡奖并不是全球最公正、最有品位和最值得期待的电影颁奖,但是在绝大多数非专业的观众心目中,每年一度的奥斯卡颁奖仍然是个弥高而神圣的殿堂,能够到这个殿堂巡游一趟进而掘到一两桶金者,那毫无疑问就是高手了。在这个不成文的共识之下,每年的奥斯卡典礼前后,都有各型各色的人士为之争个鱼死网破闹翻了脸,“名利”二字在这个时刻显得异常重大起来。根据尼尔森媒体调查公司公布的初步统计数字显示,2006年2月25日晚由美国广播公司直播的第79届奥斯卡颁奖典礼吸引到了近4000万美国观众,这个数字比去年增加了约3%。虽然获得提名的多数影片对美国公众来说照例十分陌生,但仍有比去年多出100多万的观众锁定了奥斯卡颁奖典礼的直播频道,使它继续成为除体育赛事以外美国年度最受欢迎的电视节目奥斯卡电影奖之所以有如此高的全球性影响力,多半是源于它的主流,以及它的“平衡精神”,在它创建至今总共七十多年的历史中,除开不多的一些重大失误外,它一直维持着主流而均衡的政策,努力耕耘的电影界人士,多半会等到出头的那一天,当然,受到奥斯卡电影奖皇袍加身的影片以及炮制者们,日后的命运也随之光明了起来。伴随着预料中的笃定比例奖项出现的,是另一部分让人们跌破眼镜的“黑马”奖项的杀出,这两者的结合,让每年的奥斯卡电影颁奖成为全球电影界关注的时刻。也就是说,奥斯卡电影奖驰骋影坛至今,至少做到了一点:无论你是否对它嗤之以鼻,都无法忽略其存在。 For a long time, though many professionals in the film industry have repeatedly proved that the Oscar is not the most fair, highest quality and most anticipated movie award in the world. However, in the vast majority of non-professional audiences, the annual Oscars The award is still a tall and sacred hall, able to visit this temple and then dug into a pot of gold, then there is no doubt that the master. In this unwritten consensus, before and after the annual Oscars, there are various types of people fighting for a fight over the net, turning a blind eye, “fame and fortune,” the word appears unusually important at this moment. According to preliminary statistics released by the Nielsen Media Research Inc., the 79th Academy Awards broadcast by ABC on the evening of February 25, 2006 attracted nearly 40 million U.S. audiences, an increase of about 3% over last year. While most of the nominees are as unfamiliar as the American public, more than a million more viewers locked in the Oscars on live channels than the previous year, making it the United States of America’s most popular addition to sports events TV shows The reason why Oscars is so influential in the world is that it derives much of its influence from the mainstream and its “spirit of balance”. In the more than seventy years since its founding, It has always maintained a mainstream and balanced policy. Hard-working filmmakers will most likely wait for their early success. Of course, films and makers who have won awards for the Oscar movie awards show their fate in the future Followed by bright up. With the anticipated Benedict Award, another part of the Black Horse award that has put people under the glasses has come out, a combination of the two that has made the annual Academy Awards a moment of concern to the global cinema world. In other words, Oscar movie awards ride movie so far, at least one thing: Whether you scoff at it, can not ignore its existence.
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