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第六届全国石版、铜版、丝网版画展,于1997年11月15日在鲁迅美术学院隆重开幕,来自辽宁省、沈阳市的文化艺术界人土、美术院校师生,以及专程从北京、天津、杭州、西安、长春及韩国汉城赶来赴会的专家学者计400多人出席了开幕式,会议欢快、热烈,别有学术情趣,初冬乍寒的沈阳沐浴在清新湿润的文化暖流之中,其乐融融也,弥足难得.“三版”展览,始自李桦先生首倡,以扶持新版种为宗旨,从院校抓起,致力材料应用、技法研究、信息沟通和队伍培养,至1993年已相继举办五届展览,规格、水准渐呈腾越之势、人才辈出,作品风格样式异彩争妍,艺术语言观念焕然一新,由此,中国版画艺术冲破木版一花独秀的沉闷与寂寥,跨入同世界版画比肩竞技的行列,出现欣欣向荣的鲜活气息.在当代版画以崭新的面貌形成国际影响力的道路上实行了革命性的变革,迈出了坚实的一步,正是前辈大师的睿智、胆识、提携与襄助奠基了今日辉煌、造就了一代知难而进、矢志不渝、勇于创新、献身艺术的青年学者,成为日渐成熟、潜力雄厚的中坚力量. The Sixth National Stone Edition, copperplate, screen print exhibition, on November 15, 1997 at the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts grand opening, from Liaoning Province, Shenyang City, art and culture community, art students and teachers, and made a special trip from Beijing More than 400 experts and scholars from Tianjin, Hangzhou, Xi’an, Changchun and Seoul of South Korea attended the opening ceremony. The meeting was cheerful, warm and non-academic. Shenyang in the early winter bathed in fresh and humid cultural warmth The three editions of the exhibition was initiated by Mr. Li Hua with the aim of supporting the new edition, starting from the institutions of higher education and dedicated to materials application, technical research, information communication and team building until 1993 Years have been held five exhibitions, specifications, standards are gradually emerging trend, talented people, works style colorful contests Yan, the concept of artistic language look brand new, thus, Chinese print art breakthroughs in the woods alone show the boring and solitude, cross Into the world of print competitions on the sidelines, there thriving lively breath in the contemporary print with a new look on the road to the formation of international influence on the road to a revolutionary change, has taken a solid Step, it is the old masters of wisdom, courage, and to help in carrying the cornerstone of today’s brilliant, created a generation despite the difficulties, to remain innovative, young scholars dedicated to the arts, become increasingly mature, the potential for strong backbone.
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作客于韩国仁川松岛酒店,被正门前一幅巨大的足球宣传广告深深吸引,同行者多在此留影纪念。 2002年是韩国和日本将共同举办世界杯足球赛的年份,虽说还有4年时间,但韩国把这