“以人为本”——如今已成为这个时代的主旨思想。例如.知识领域里倡导的“科技以人为本”、“教育以人为本”.服务界提出的“服务以人为本”,甚至于“诺基亚以人为本”,等等.都充分显示出人是决定一切的重要因素。 人才是无穷尽的创造力,他即创造物质,又创造精神,在不断的创造中,成就了丰富的人类文明;人才是最可宝贵的资源,在合理的开发、利用下,能够产生惊人的价值。人才的这些特质在一句“以人为本”的口号下,已被愈来愈多的人重视起来。集中体现在各大企、事业用人单位开始争相“订购”人才.“预留”人才。针对这一社会现象,我们特开设《人才资源》专栏,收集、刊登各校毕业生的详细资料,面向社会大力推荐,同时也方便用人单位选才、纳贤。
“People-oriented” - now has become the main idea of this era. For example, “people-oriented science and technology” and “people-oriented education” advocated in the field of knowledge, “people-oriented service” and even “people-oriented Nokia” all fully demonstrate that man is the deciding factor. Talent is endless creativity, he is to create material, but also to create the spirit, in constant creation, the achievements of a wealth of human civilization; talent is the most valuable resource, in the rational development and utilization, can produce amazing value. These qualities of talents have been paid more attention by more and more people under the slogan of “people-oriented”. Concentrated in all major enterprises, employers began to compete for “order” talent. “Reserve” talent. In response to this social phenomenon, we have set up a special section on “Talents Resources” to collect and publish detailed information on graduates of various schools. We strongly recommend them to the public and also facilitate the selection of employers and employees by employers.