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珠江三角洲地区的广大人民群众,乘改革开放的大潮,充分运用中央赋予的特殊政策、灵活措施,发挥得天独厚的人缘地缘优势,锐意进取,勇于变革,不失时机地进行产业结构与产品结构调整,迅速推进了全地区工业化、市场化、城市化和国际化的进程,一跃而成为中国大陆商品经济最活跃、经济发展速度最快、城镇化程度最高、与世界经济联系密切的地区之一。在较短的时间内,产业结构发生了巨大变化,大体完成了以工业为主导的产业升级换代的变革,第一、二、三产业结构向符合现代化进程规律的方向转变,开始向较高层次发展;资源配置向合理方向调整,基础产业得到迅速增强,地区经济布局趋于均衡发展,形成了开放式、外向型的经济格局。珠江三角洲地区经济发展的成功之处主要体现在以下几个方面: The broad masses of the people in the Pearl River Delta take the tide of reform and opening up and make full use of the special policies and measures promulgated by the Central Government to give full play to their geographical advantages in popularity. They are determined to make changes and are brave enough to make changes. They will adjust the industrial structure and product mix with rapid progress The process of industrialization, marketization, urbanization and internationalization in the entire region has gradually become one of the regions where the commodity economy in mainland China is the most active, with the fastest economic growth, the highest degree of urbanization and close links with the world economy. Within a relatively short period of time, the industrial structure has undergone tremendous changes. The industrial upgrading has been basically completed. The first, second and third industrial structures have been transformed in a way that is in keeping with the laws of the process of modernization, Development. The allocation of resources has been adjusted to a reasonable direction, the basic industries have been rapidly strengthened, the regional economic layout has tended to develop in a balanced manner, and an open and outward-oriented economic pattern has been formed. The success of economic development in the Pearl River Delta is mainly reflected in the following aspects:
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