The Status Quo and the Future of Environmental Goods

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  Abstract:Trade of environmental goods and services has become more and more important for protecting environment as well as promoting international trade.There is no doubt that the trade of environmental goods accounts for a considerable amount of the global market and is consistently growing.To make the most benefit from the liberalization of environmental goods,China need to enhance its specialization in the environmental industry sector.Greater specialization will broaden access to the international market for Chinese businesses.
  Key words:sustainable development;tariff reduction;environmental goods;WTO
  1GATT-consistency of Tariff Preference for Environmental Goods
  Take APEC List for an example,collection of goods which are subjectively considered environmental may lead to discrimination against a large number of other goods that are not on the list,and without which the manufacture of‘environmental goods’would be impossible. In 2015,Philippines,one of the APEC economies,reduced tariffs for environmental goods on the APEC list on an MFN basis.And China,also being one of the APEC economies,reduced national tariff rates for environmental goods on the APEC list.One may say these measures are not accorded“unconditionally”,and the condition is the“environmental goods”status.What needs to be considered is whether there is discrimination between like products of different origins because of such condition.Since the APEC list may not cover products that are considered as environmental by other countries,the domestic measures of China and Philippines,would inevitably create de facto discrimination to like environmental products from other countries.
  According to the panel in Canada——Pharmaceutical Patents,the tariff reductions granted by China and Philippines are granted to the environmental goods on the APEC list irrespective of their origin,also the underling objective is to favor free trade of environmental goods in order to protect environment and conserve natural resources,which is in line with the sustainable development objectives of the WTO.Even though such consistency is to be questioned in the future,Members can always raise GATT Art.XX as a defense.
  IIProposals Concerning China’s Domestic Laws and Regulations on Environmental Goods
  China has been active in the negotiations on liberalizing environmental goods on the international level,yet the current situation of its domestic laws and regulations concerning tariffs on environmental goods is not ideal.China needs to adjust and improve its laws and regulations concerning tariffs on environmental goods.Frist,efforts should be made to pass a national tariff law on environmental goods as soon as possible. Without systemic laws and regulations,it’s hard to achieve unified control on tariffs on environmental goods.Second,customs categories of environmental goods need to be specified.Enriching customs categories of environmental goods is crucial for China to better comply with tariff reduction commitments it will make in the ongoing international negotiations on environmental goods.After all,without a unified and sound legal system,China would not be able to implement tariff reductions on environmental goods successfully,let alone obtaining environmental and economic benefits such trade liberalization.
摘 要:在核心素养背景下的教学改革,不光要体现数学课程价值的要求,更要引领学生立德树人、终身发展。因此本文从高中数学教学活动设计出发,注重从“以知识点为重点”转变为“以核心素养为中心”,以课例简要说明,从而落实基于核心素养的高中数学教学。  关键词:核心素养;教学活动设计;三角函数  一、数学核心素养的内容  数学学科核心素养,主要由数学抽象、数学运算、逻辑推理、数学建模、直观想象与数据分析等六分
摘 要:用任務驱动法激发学生有目的地阅读,引导学生在充分读书、表达实践等亲历的过程中不留痕迹地建立了浏览、细读、提取关键信息等阅读策略。  关键词:阅读策略;目的;任务驱动;运用  2019年9月,小学语文4—6年级统编教材全面启用,尤为重视学生阅读能力的培养,出现了一个新朋友——阅读策略单元,整个单元的学习都要集中到阅读策略的习得上,是学生在阅读体验活动中对某一策略,通过不断感悟、积累、尝试运用
摘 要:“立德树人、以德促教”是教育的本质,对培养学生综合素养的全面发展起到了积极的作用。初中生正处于人生的转折期,初中阶段是小学与高中的过渡期,同时也是渗透德育教育的主要阶段。在初中历史的教学活动中,一定要加强德育教育的渗透工作,有助于“立德树人、以德促教”教育目标的实现,对培养初中生的创新精神、爱国精神、社会使命感,以及树立学生正确的三观方面起到了积极的作用。  关键词:初中历史;道德教育;立
摘 要:群文阅读给了学生大量的阅读借鉴的机会,让他们在阅读中思考,在阅读中发现,可以丰富学生的写作素材,帮助学生借鉴文章的写作技法,提高学生写作能力。  关键词:群文阅读;模仿;写作  有人说:作文能力的高低是学生语文素质高低与创新能力高低的一面镜子。而现行作文教学往往呈现出繁重、低效、劳而无功,甚至反而使学生产生不良心理反应。  《语文课程标准》提出:“培养学生广泛的阅读兴趣,扩大阅读面,增加阅
摘 要:学校中层干部在团队校本研究中的领导力影响着教育改革实践研究的进程,但这些干部在团队校本研究中的领导力的提升路径一直是培训部门的难题。为了破解这一难题,丰台教科院科研室进行了深入地实践尝试。优化研讨式培训为提升这些干部在团队校本研究中的领导力推开了一扇门,找到了一条路径。研究中依据培训中存在的问题优化研讨式培训的组织、实施策略,取得了良好的培训效果,有效地提升了这些干部在团队校本研究中的领导
摘 要:在小学阶段的语文学习开展过程中阅读活动的开展对于促进学生的健康成长非常关键,在相应的阅读阅读活动开展过程中,学生能够借助素材的阅读去探索接触到的未知世界,使得学生的语文语感能够得到进一步的提升。且当下随着素质教育理念的重视程度不断提升,教师的教学引导非常关键,教师也需要意识到自主阅读能力对学生发展的促进作用。教师需要将阅读以及悦读共同开展,以让学生感受到阅读所带来知识满足感以及乐趣。本文通
摘 要:笔者以山西省阳泉市文化艺术学校为研究背景,以音乐专业学生为研究对象,以自身教学经验为出发点,运用问卷调查法、观察法、文献研究法等方法对音乐专业的教学课程和教学模式进行了深入细致的研究,并提出相应的整改建议。  关键词:中等专业艺术教育;音乐专业;教学课程;教学模式  针对音乐专业教学现状进行的研究,对阳泉市文化艺术学校有着重要的意义:第一,树立正确的学生观、教学观,从学校实际出发,健全课程
摘 要:青年教师是中职学校各项工作开展的主力军,他们的思想素质、教学能力、业务高低将影响到学校的发展。然而青年教师的专业化水平依旧存在着一些问题,分析他们的成长现状,并提出相应的对策,应是促成青年教师的专业成长最有效途径。  关键词:中职学校;青年教师;专业成长;现状;对策  在国家大力发展职业教育的大背景下,中职学校的发展规模越来越大,中职学校教师的数量也随之增多。其中,青年教师占据了一定的数量
摘 要:在教学改革的背景下,有效教学成为教师一直探索和思考的重要话题。小学语文中的有效教学,就是通过营造活跃的课堂氛围,促进学生进行自主探究学习,建立学生的文化自信,推动学生多方面能力的发展,从而达到培养学生语文素养的目的。文章从小学语文教学现状入手,讨论了如何在教学改革背景下实现有效教学,以供参考。  关键词:教学改革;小学语文;有效教学  随着教育教学改革的实施,小学语文教学质量明显提升,学生
一、教材和学情分析  本课是三年级下册第六单元的内容。教材呈现一张完整年历,并圈出一些特殊日期,便于学生从整体上了解和把握年月日的含义及其关系。学生已经在上学期学习了“时分秒”,在实际生活中对年月日也有一些简单感受和初步经验,但因年月日的各自特点和相互关系较为复杂,学生缺乏清晰全面的认識。基于此,本设计在合作探究中借助多媒体和年历卡,以学生最熟悉的“日”为基础,动态演示“月”和“年”,帮助学生直观