從西湖到富士山 明清之際黄檗宗僧獨立性易地景書寫之文化義蘊

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獨立性易(1596-1672)是明清之際中日交流史上的重要人物,其雖在黄檗宗隱元隆琦座下出家,却并非黄檗宗僧一語可以道盡。滿清入侵後,獨立性易失去家國,東渡扶桑,不得已出家爲僧。雖然依上黄檗僧團,却舆僧團相處不睦,屢遭擯斥,四處漂泊。獨必陸易晚年雖也不乏日本真族或文士的青睞,但始終無法定於一地,故而從身體到靈魂,其真真正正可以說是“失去家園的人”(Diaspora)。本文以《天間老人全集》爲基礎,從離散文人地景書寫的角度出發,特别以其故鄉杭州西湖與日本地標富士山爲表徵,就詩歌創作中所呈現的心境加以剖析。富士山是獨立性易筆下能見度最高的異國風景,亦是日本方面最重要的地景表徵,在歌咏富士山的作品中,獨立性易巧妙的寄托個人的期待舆想望。而西湖之於獨立性易而言,既是故鄉自然風光的象徵,也是人文薈革精華所聚,一方面寄托對於故國的想念,其價值觀與世界觀亦回互交織,與其說是西湖的傳种摩寫,毋寧說是獨立性易個人內心風景的呈现。在近世東亞文化交流史上,獨立性易的重要性已有一定的評價,通過本文,在重新認識離散知識人獨立性易的同時,對於重新省視近世東亞文化交流中政治認同、地城、文化種種不同思想力量的交互作用也能有所裨益。 Independence Yi (1596-1672) is an important figure in the history of exchanges between China and Japan at the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. After the invasion of Manchuria, the independence was easily lost to the home country and the east was hibiscus, leaving a monk to be a monk. Although according to the HuangBoWang Sangha group, but the Sangha group get along unhappy, repeatedly been denounced, drifting around. Although only in his later years, Lu Yi was also favored by Japanese kin or scholar but never settled in the land, his body and soul really can be described as “Diaspora.” This article, based on the book “The Complete Works of the Elderly in Heaven”, analyzes the state of mind presented in the poem creation from the perspective of the writing of discrete literati and especially the hometown of West Lake in Hangzhou and Mount Fuji in Japan. Mount Fuji is the most visible exotic landscape with independence and ease of use. It is also the most important landscape feature in Japan. In the works of singing Mt. Fuji, independence is easy and clever. The West Lake in terms of independence and easy, both as a symbol of the natural beauty of hometown, but also the essence of human Hui Hui gather, on the one hand, pinning the miss of the country, its values ​​and world view back to each other, not so much the West Lake Write, rather, is the manifestation of an individual’s innermost landscape of independence. In the recent history of East Asian cultural exchanges, the importance of independence has been evaluated to some extent. With the help of this paper, while re-understanding the independence of discrete knowledge people, it is of great significance to redefine the political identity, the city and culture in recent East Asian cultural exchanges. The interaction of different kinds of ideological forces can also benefit.
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