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当我们写下文学的文字,便秉承了历史赋予的灵性。文字连着时代的血肉和体温,必然无法和时代割裂开来,无法成为无根之花。从法国波德莱尔的《巴黎的忧郁》到中国鲁迅的《野草》,真正的散文诗始终忠于现代性的实践和表达。“当代性概念既指审视作者生活时代语境中作者的创作各方面特征,又指让读者意识到作品与当前知性关注的相关性”。中国散文诗是中外文化契合的产物。外国散文诗从形 When we write down the literary language, we uphold the spirituality given by history. Text attached to the era of flesh and body temperature, inevitably can not be separated from the times, can not be a rootless flower. From Baudelaire’s “Melancholy of Paris” in France to “Wild Grass” in China’s Lu Xun, real prose poetry has always been loyal to the practice and expression of modernity. “The concept of contemporary refers not only to the various aspects of the author’s creation in the context of the author’s life, but also to the reader’s awareness of the relevance of the work to current intellectual concerns.” Chinese prose poetry is a product of Chinese and foreign cultures. Foreign Prose Poetry Conformal
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庄子说过:“夫千金之珠,必在九重之渊。”我在学习中,曾经有过两次深渊,但我都在这“九重之渊”中找到了“千金之珠”。 Zhuangzi said: “The beads of the husband and wi