陷阱 拿了材料就走——新闻采访笔记

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在现代的新闻采访中,可以得到的书面材料是越来越多了。铅印的、电子打字的、图文并茂的……;材料的质量、表达力也在提高,常常是成套、成袋的材料,塞到采访者手里。这说明了什么?——人们普遍重视公共关系,勇于自己介绍自己。材料多,无疑给新闻采访带来了方便。但是,绝不能因此就以为现在的记者、通讯员好当了。绝不是现成的材料一到手,新闻就源源而涌,就唾手可得。材料多了,新闻采访中的一些新情况也随之而来。“拿了材 In modern news interviews, there is an increasing amount of written material available. Printed, electronic typed, illustrated ...; the quality of the material, expression is also improving, often complete, bag material, stuffed into the hands of interviewers. This shows what? - People generally attach importance to public relations, the courage to introduce themselves. More material, no doubt brought convenience to news interviews. However, it must not be taken as a good reporter or correspondent. It is by no means readily available material that the news will flow from one source to another. There are more materials and new situations in news interviews also follow. "Took the material
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