
来源 :中国保安 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doudouling
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随着经济的发展,人们的生活内容极大地丰富,文化娱乐场所已成为当今人们社会生活中的一个重要活动场所。但本该是休闲娱悦的娱乐场所,多年来却隐藏着种种危机,打斗、卖淫、地方恶势力的帮派渗透,在人们心中投下沉重阴影。面对开放环境,营造娱乐场所的安全氛围,成为刻不容缓的重点问题。   据深圳方面调查,娱乐场所存在的主要治安问题有:刑事案件时有发生,仅深圳市, 1995年至 1999年,发生在娱乐场所的刑事案件就有 862起;聚众酗酒、吸食摇头丸、卖淫嫖娼、打架斗殴等丑恶现象;形成带黑社会性质的地方帮派;不法业主培植个人势力和打手;存在严重的火灾隐患。   去年 3月 10日,深圳戏院飓风俱乐部发生一起枪击事件,其私招的“保安员”持枪、刀和棍棒斗殴,造成 1人死亡, 5人受伤。   2000年 4月 5日,黑龙江省哈尔滨市公安局南岗分局接市公安局中心指令,到东海龙宫休闲洗浴有限公司查处卖淫嫖娼行为时,遭到该公司的私招“保安”、服务员暴力围攻,其中 3名民警被打成重伤, 1名轻伤。   以上两案社会影响极为恶劣,而各地娱乐场所治安问题同样严峻,各类治安案件发案频繁,令人堪忧。为此,公安部特别下发了情况通报,要求各地迅速采取行动,部署开展清理整治娱乐场所私招“保 With the development of economy, the content of people’s life is greatly enriched. Cultural and entertainment venues have become an important place of activity in people’s social life today. However, this should be a recreational place of entertainment. Over the years, various kinds of crises have been hidden. Fighting, prostitution and gangs of local evil forces have infiltrated them and cast a heavy shadow on people’s hearts. In the face of an open environment and a safe atmosphere for entertainment, it has become an urgent priority issue. According to a survey carried out by Shenzhen, the main public security problems in places of entertainment include the following: criminal cases have occurred only in Shenzhen City; from 1995 to 1999, there were 862 criminal cases occurring in entertainment venues; gatherings of alcoholism, ecstasy and prostitution , Fights and other ugly phenomena; the formation of a gang gang with local gangs; unscrupulous owners cultivate personal power and thugs; there is a serious fire hazard. On March 10 last year, a gunshot incident occurred at a hurricane club in Shenzhen Theater. The “security guards” of their private strikes held guns, knives and clubs, killing one person and injuring five others. April 5, 2000, Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province Public Security Bureau Nangang Branch City Public Security Bureau received instructions from the center to the East China Sea Dragon Palace Leisure Bath Co., Ltd. investigated and dealt with prostitution, was the company’s private recruit “security”, waiters brutal siege, Three of them were seriously wounded and one was slightly injured. The social impact of the above two cases is extremely poor, and the public order places in entertainment venues are equally harsh. The incidence of various public order and security cases is frequent and worrisome. To this end, the Ministry of Public Security issued a special circular, requiring all parts of the rapid action to deploy and carry out clean recruit private entertainment "
■案例一  周某在其同学的生日聚会上喝得大醉。在回家的路上,周某发现下夜班的女工李某独自一人回家,于是拦住其自行车,将其拉下来进行猥亵,李某拼命反抗,周某在撕打过程中,顺手
■案例二  1995年8月12日,湖南省某商厦(买方)服装部业务经理许某到浙江省某制衣有限公司洽谈订购一批该厂生产的男女式西装各500件。双方签订了一个意向性合同,在意向性合同
什么是安全技术防范产品  安全技术防范产品,是指用于防抢劫、防盗窃、防爆炸等防止国家、集体、个人财产以及人身安全受到侵害的专用产品。质量监督管理部门  国家质量技