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一、入夏以來,疫病四起.瘧疾、痢疾、傷寒等病症亟劇流行。六月以來病者達四、七六四人,死亡已三一一人,嚴重的影響了當前生產工作。爲了發動一切力量,團結中西醫、草醫、獸醫為生產服務,抵抗災害。消除疫病,保證生產任務的完成。繼各區分別兩度召開中草醫生會議後:於七月廿日召開了全縣衛生醫務工作人員代表會議。組織動員所有醫務人員的力量。戰勝病災。會議自七月廿一日開始,廿三日晨圓滿結束。歷時兩天半。到會代表七一人(男六十五人、女六人),其中中醫七人,草醫四十七人(草醫大半能兼醫獸),西醫一人,接生員一人,種痘員八人,區文教衛生助理員七人。代表中多數都在區上參加過區中草醫生會 First, since the beginning of summer, there have been four epidemics, and malaria, dysentery and typhoid fever are in urgent demand. Since June, the number of patients has reached 4,764 and the death rate has reached 311, which has seriously affected the current production work. In order to mobilize all forces, unite with traditional Chinese and Western medicine, herbal medicine, veterinary services for the production, to resist disasters. Eliminate epidemics, to ensure the completion of production tasks. Following the convening of a meeting of Chinese herbalist doctors twice in each district, the meeting of county health medical staff representatives was held on July 20. Organize the mobilization of all medical staff. Overcome the disaster. The meeting started on July 21 and ended successfully on the 23rd. Lasted two and a half days. The meeting will represent 71 people (65 men and 6 women), of whom seven are Chinese medicine practitioners, forty-seven Chinese herbalists doctors (most of whom can serve both medicine and medicine), one Western medicine practitioner, one birth attendant, and eight District cultural and educational health assistant seven. Most of the delegates attended the district Chinese herbal medicine association in the district
《内经》指出:“余知百病之生于气也,怒则气上。”“喜怒不节,则伤脏;脏伤,则病起于阴也。”怒气伤身,绝非妄言。美国生理学家爱尔马曾做过实验: “Nei Jing” pointed out:
2008年下半年,针对企业出口收汇风险加大的形势,商务部两次发布文件,提醒企业规避出口收汇风险,这是完善出口信保政策的前奏。 In the second half of 2008, in response to