
来源 :中国地名 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovekker
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强化领导 统筹安排 健全机构 落实责任 地名公共服务工程是一项系统工程,是开展地名信息化建设和服务的基础,也是民政工作服务经济社会发展的有效载体。根据民政部《关于实施地名公共服务工程的通知》精神,在充分认识实施地名公共服务工程目标任务、时间进度、方法步骤、技术标准要求的前提下,全省上下按照“统一部署,分步实施,重点突破,全面完成”的工作思路,切实加强组织领导,积极开展工作。各地切实将地名公共服务工程纳入本地区的工作计 Strengthen the leadership of the overall arrangements for a sound organization to implement the responsibility of place names Public service project is a systematic project, is to carry out the construction of place names and services, information services, but also civil service work an effective carrier of economic and social development. According to the Notice of the Ministry of Civil Affairs on the Implementation of the Place Name Public Service Project, on the premise of fully understanding the objectives and tasks, time schedule, method steps and technical standards of the implementation of the place name public service project, the province will follow the principle of “unified deployment and step by step Implementation, major breakthroughs, fully completed ”work train of thought, conscientiously strengthen organizational leadership, and actively carry out the work. All localities have truly included names of public service projects in their work in the region
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今年7月6日,温家宝副总理在国家林业局、中国科协的一份《关于迅速遏制松材线虫病在我国传播蔓延的对策与措施建议》的报告上作了重要批示,指出: 目前我国森林病虫害发生和
We report here the calculation on electronic structures of model compounds of dimetal tetracarboxylate M2(O2CH)4 (M=V, Cr, Mo) by means of a DPS8 computer CNDO
NAP信息管理系统及其功能扩展的探讨慕宗昭(山东省林业厅,济南250014)世界银行贷款国家造林项目(NationalAforestationProject简称NAP)是建国以来我国最大的利用外资造林项目。项目自1990年全面启动到1995年底结束... Discussio