In this paper, the edible fungi (Edible Fungi) species, ecological distribution (ecologicaldis-tribution) rule and the reason of population diversity in Guizhou were preliminary studied. Guizhou is located in the eastern part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau in southwestern China. Its terrain is complicated and changeable. Its elevation is about 1000m, its annual average temperature is 15 ℃, its annual rainfall is 1400mm and its average relative humidity is above 80%. Without cold in winter, Is a subtropical climate; diverse vegetation, growing a variety of different types of plants. Due to the combination of natural factors, Guizhou has very different types of fungal growth all year round, with abundant resources. According to the specimens collected by the author from 1979 to 1991, 241 species of edible fungi were identified, belonging to 74 genera, 30 orders, 2 orders, 4 orders, 2 orders, and 3 orders. Among them, 3 new species have been described by the authors: Termitomyces albiceps Hee ), T. cylindricus Hee and Volvariclla brumalis Hee. Cantharellus purporaceus Iwode, Tricholoma pertentosum (Fr.) Quel., T.sulphureum (Bull: Fr.) Kumm., Termitomyces clypeatus Heim, (Tg