
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lawfocus
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小菊盆景作为中国盆景的一个分支,具有和树桩盆景相同的艺术魅力,虽然由于草本材料主干相对纤细而多,但力求扬花朵艳丽之长而避主干细弱之短,仍能吸引观赏者。而且,艺者们挖掘它的其它长处,花费了许多心血,取得了可喜成效,如强调小菊花朵之美,突出根须之美等,使小菊盆景可赏性提高了一大截。笔者就学习实践中的一些心得与花友们切磋。一、高位附石纷披垂根式小菊附石造型可弥补主干的缺点,借石支撑菊株,以菊为主,菊石组合,相得益彰。作法是:先单独培育菊苗,在盛沙高筒中养出长于石高的长根,注意预先考虑石的上部形态,对菊茎作弯,以保组合时随石的突出和凹窝起伏贴合,避免组合后难于理顺且不稳定。把育出长根的菊苗与石组合时可以用塑料带或绳绑缚强迫茎、枝、根尽量服服贴贴,两相拥抱,让长根纷披于石的四周,但观赏面更应理顺。还应把最美的根展示在观赏视觉内下伸入土,然后将菊石连盆置于专为进一步迫使弯处定型用的箱或桶状围墙中,箱或筒应使菊石连盆宽绰 As a branch of Chinese bonsai, small chrysanthemum bonsai has the same artistic charm as stump bonsai. Although the main stem of the herb is relatively slender, it strives to attract the viewers with its bright, long and narrow stems. Moreover, the artistes tapped its other strengths, spent a lot of effort and achieved gratifying results, such as emphasizing the beauty of small chrysanthemum flowers, highlighting the beauty of roots and so on, so that small chrysanthemum bonsai adrenaline improved a large fraction. The author will learn some experience in practice with the friends to learn. First, the high with stone Pui Phi root-shaped small chrysanthemum stone attached to make up the shortcomings of the backbone, supported by stone chrysanthemum plants to chrysanthemum-based, combination of aesthetics, complement each other. Practice is: first nurture chrysanthemum seedlings, raised in the sand Shagao longer than the high stone root, pay attention to pre-consider the upper part of the stone shape, the stems of the jujube bend to ensure the combination of stone with the prominence and dimple fit , To avoid combination difficult to smooth and unstable. To grow a long root of kumie and stone combination can be used plastic straps or rope tied to force the stems, branches, roots try to serve the paste, two-phase hug, so that long roots are scattered around the stone, but the viewing surface more reasonable Shun. The most beautiful root should also be displayed under the visual view into the soil into the soil, and then the ammonite pots placed in order to further force the curved shape of the box or barrel wall, box or tube should be generous with ammonite
我院卡介苗门诊室,于1989年下半年,连续处理过3例卡介苗误注皮下患儿,汇报如下。 1989年7月12日,某医院为一5个月女婴初种BCG(出生时因体重低未种),由于接种人员不熟悉业务,
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