那年18岁,乒乓球忽地成了生命中不可割舍的部分。 师范毕业,在一个远离家乡的偏僻山村小学,开始了我的粉笔生涯。学校是所庵堂改建的四方院子,一面靠山一面临河。尽管有一两棵苦楝,一到春季便扬着花儿,也有鸟儿不分四时扑向枝头滑到地面窜上屋脊,但乡村生活惯了的我觉得挺寡味。第一年学校的老师除了一女高中毕业生代课外,其余9位全是二三十岁的汉子,精力正旺盛着。可能校长也考虑到这一点,
18 years old that year, table tennis suddenly became an indispensable part of life. Normal graduation, in a remote village primary school away from home, started my chalk career. The school is rebuilt by the nunnery square courtyard, one side of the Facing the river. Although there are one or two neem, flowers bloom in the spring and birds glide to the branches all the way up to the roof, but I find the flavor of rural life used to be rather oligogenic. The first year of school teachers in addition to a female high school graduates on behalf of the other nine are all twenty or thirty-year-old man, energetic is exuberant. Perhaps the principal also consider this point,