医疗保障制度改革是经济体 制改革的重要组成部分。 自1998年《国务院关于建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的决定》颁布以来,各省、自治区、直辖市都出台了医疗保险制度改革总体规划,在全国349个地级以上医疗保险统筹地区中,有339个市(地)和1435个县(市)的实施方案已经省政府审批出台并组织实施,医疗保险覆盖人数达到7630万。城镇职工基本医疗保险制度正在全国范围内稳步建立。 医保改革到底改出了什么?本刊记者分别走访了改革先行一步的北京、上海、广州、成都等大城市,实地感受了改革带来的初步变化,并接触到改革引发的一些新问题。
The reform of the medical security system is an important part of the reform of the economic system. Since the issuance of the “Decision of the State Council on Establishing the Basic Medical Insurance System for Urban Employees” in 1998, all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities have issued overall plans for the reform of the medical insurance system. Of the 349 prefecture-level or above medical insurance co-ordinating regions, 339 have been issued. The implementation plan for the city (prefecture) and 1435 counties (cities) has been approved by the provincial government and implemented. The number of medical insurance coverage reached 76.3 million. The basic medical insurance system for urban workers is being steadily established nationwide. What did the reform of health insurance reform achieve in the end? Our correspondents visited major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Chengdu, where reforms preceded them, and experienced the initial changes brought about by reforms, and were exposed to new issues arising from reforms.