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用GGE双标图法对甘蓝型油菜8×8完全双列杂交试验的脂肪酸组分进行分析,以期得到配合力高的亲本,为高油酸材料的转育和配组奠定基础。结果显示:(1)一般配合力(GCA)较高的亲本是父本Y511、Y539和母本Y511、Y520、Y539,而特殊配合力(SCA)较高的亲本是父本L308、Y511、Y539和母本L121、L307、L331、Y539。从GCA和SCA综合来看,Y511、Y520和Y539是配合力较高的父本,L307、L331、Y539是配合力较高的母本,父本L121和母本L308的配合力相对最低;(2)Y539是母本L121、L307、L308、L332、Y511、Y520、Y539的最佳组配父本,Y511是L331的最佳组配父本;Y520是父本L121、L307、L331、L332、Y511的最佳组配母本,Y539是L308、Y520、Y539的最佳组配母本;(3)SCA较高的组合有L307×L308、L331×L332、L332×Y511、Y520×Y511、Y539×L121等;(4)在芥酸含量为0、二十碳烯酸含量趋近于0(0.87%左右)、硬脂酸含量变幅不大(1.36%~1.75%)的遗传背景下,父本脂肪酸组分中油酸与棕榈酸、硬脂酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸均呈负相关;母本中油酸与硬脂酸呈正相关,与棕榈酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸呈负相关;(5)各杂交种脂肪酸组分的表型关系中,与油酸含量呈正相关的是硬脂酸,呈负相关的是棕榈酸,而与亚油酸、亚麻酸呈极显著负相关,这与母本脂肪酸组分之间的关系基本一致。 The fatty acid composition of 8 × 8 full double crosses in Brassica napus was analyzed by GGE double plot method in order to obtain parents with high combining ability, which laid the foundation for the breeding and distribution of high oleic acid. The results showed that: (1) The parents with higher GCA were male parent Y511, Y539 and female parent Y511, Y520 and Y539, while the parents with higher SCA were male parent L308, Y511 and Y539 And female parent L121, L307, L331, Y539. From the perspective of GCA and SCA, Y511, Y520 and Y539 were the male parents with higher combining ability, while L307, L331 and Y539 were the female parent with higher combining ability. The combining ability of male parent L121 and female parent L308 was the lowest. ( 2) Y539 is the best grouping father of L121, L307, L308, L332, Y511, Y520 and Y539, Y511 is the best grouping father of L331; Y520 is the male parent L121, L307, L331, L332, Y511, Y539 is the best combination of L308, Y520 and Y539. (3) The higher combination of SCA is L307 × L308, L331 × L332, L332 × Y511, Y520 × Y511, Y539 × L121 and so on. (4) Under the genetic background that erucic acid content is 0, eicosenoic acid content is close to 0 (0.87%), stevioside content is not large (1.36% ~ 1.75% There was a negative correlation between oleic acid and palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid in paternal fatty acid components. There was a positive correlation between oleic acid and stearic acid in female parent and negative correlation with palmitic acid, linoleic acid and linolenic acid ; (5) Among the phenotypes of the fatty acid components of the hybrids, stearic acid was positively correlated with oleic acid content, palmitic acid was negatively correlated, and negatively correlated with linoleic acid and linolenic acid. This is with the parent fatty acid component Basically the same relationship.