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钟祥县人民医院是一所有300张病床,395名职工,18个科室的综合性医院。该院实行承包责任的具体内容是:(1) 院长负责制与科主任负责制并行。医院向卫生主管部门实行外部承包,科主任向院部实行内部承包,承包以协议合同形式兑现。科室主任经过民意测验后由院长任命,任期内享有人员招聘使用权、奖金分配权。(2) 承包内容包括:医疗业务(卫生部规定的七大率和病历质量要求)、工作任务、经济收支等三大指标。对有利润的单位如中西药制剂室、修理室等实行按比例分成(大头在院部)。对不计算利润的医疗科室以诊断收入抵偿办公用品、医疗杂支、水、电、煤、维修等方面的支出,节约部分实行百分计奖。 Zhongxiang County People’s Hospital is a comprehensive hospital with 300 beds, 395 employees, and 18 departments. The specific contents of the contractor’s responsibility for implementation of the contract are: (1) The president’s responsibility system and the director’s responsibility system are concurrent. The hospital applies external contracting to the competent department of health, and the director of the department implements internal contracting to the ministry and the contract is cashed in the form of an agreement contract. The director of the department is appointed by the dean after passing the public opinion test. During the term of office, he enjoys the right to use the personnel and to distribute the bonus. (2) The contracting content includes three major indicators: medical service (the seven rates and medical record quality requirements stipulated by the Ministry of Health), work tasks, and economic revenue and expenditure. For profitable units such as Chinese and Western medicine preparation rooms, repair rooms, etc., they are divided into pro-rata (bulk heads in the yard). For medical departments that do not calculate profits, they use diagnostic income to cover office supplies, medical miscellaneous expenses, water, electricity, coal, maintenance, etc., and save some of them by implementing a percentage award.
重庆市系西南重镇,原有9区3县。1983年永川地区与重庆市合并,现全市人口有1千4百余万,为全国和大城市之冠。重庆市精神病防治机构的建立起步较其它大城 Chongqing is a sout