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国内外关于安全文化的定义有很多,总括其核心要义,基本可以表述为:安全文化是人类从事生产、生活乃至实践的一切领域内,为保障人类身心安全(含健康)并使其能安全、舒适、高效地从事一切活动,预防、避免、控制和消除意外事故和灾害(自然的、人为的或天灾人祸的);建立安全、可靠、和谐、协调的环境和匹配运行的安全体系;使人类变得更加安全、康乐、长寿,使世界变得友爱、和平、繁荣而创造的安全物质财富和精神财富的总和。企业安全文化与安全管理有着内在的联系,但安全文化不是纯粹的安全管理。安全文化对人的整个人生过程都不断影响,注入和培养、塑造,用安全的精神财富和物质财富教育和激励人,可以提高人的安全素质即安全技术和安全文化知识,安全社会适应力和安全生理、心理承受能力。一个人无论在何时何地都自觉或不自觉地被当时当地的安全文化熏陶、改造和提高。企业安全管理是通过有局 There are many definitions of safety culture at home and abroad, and its core essentials can be summed up. The basic principle of safety culture can be stated as follows: Safety culture is a kind of safety culture that protects human beings physically and psychologically (including health) and enables them to be safe, To carry out all activities in a comfortable and efficient manner to prevent, prevent, control and eliminate accidents and disasters (natural, man-made or natural and man-made disasters); to establish a safe, reliable, harmonious and coordinated environment and a safe system of operation; The sum of the safe material and spiritual wealth created by being safer, healthier, longer-lived, making the world a friendly, peaceable and prosperous. Corporate safety culture is intrinsically linked to safety management, but safety culture is not purely safety management. The safety culture exerts a continuous influence on people’s whole life process. By injecting and cultivating, shaping and educating and motivating people with safe spiritual wealth and material wealth, safety culture can enhance people’s safety quality, that is, safety technology and safety culture knowledge, safety social adaptability and Safety physiology, psychological ability to bear. No matter when and where a person consciously or unconsciously by the then local security culture, transformation and improvement. Enterprise safety management is through the bureau
With the development that the demand for agricultural products’ consumer market is gradually toward to the direction of complication, the existing agricultural
一、“三个代表”重要思想的形成和发展是历 史的必然 千年交替,世纪更迭,进入21世纪的世界和中 国都已发生并继续发生着一系列重大而深刻的变 化,我国在推进中国特色社会主