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医者仁心进出乐亭县城,或直走或绕行,路人就想从县第一中学门口过一下。这里很少市井的喧嚣和浮躁,却多出浓浓的书香。学校门口的那一座流水小桥,可是乐亭文化的蓄水池?没有买卖声,路人心头多出一句对明天文化走向的打探。值得欣慰的是,怀着这一目的,在县最高学府门前徜徉的,我并不是独行者,亦步亦趋者,不在少数。从一中门口,朝东北方向回拐,就拐进一个小巷子,一站地的样子, Benevolent medical practitioners out of Laoting County, or go straight or bypass, pedestrians wanted to go through the front of the county secondary schools look. Very few market noise and impetuous here, but more thick book. A flowing bridge at the school gate, but Leting culture of the reservoir? There is no buying and selling sound, passers-heart more than an exploration of the direction of tomorrow’s culture. Fortunately, for this purpose, in front of the highest school in the county, I am not a lone traveler, every move, not a minority. From the front door, back to the northeast direction, it turned into a small alley, one way to look like,
上大学有用吗?大学以前,我从来没有想过这个问题。在我童年的记忆里,大学是个神圣的地方。神圣到什么地步呢?大家一谈到它,就像谈到一个遥远的圣地,那里有我们想要朝拜的东西。  一直在上学  我是90后,我的整个童年是在乡村里度过的,凡是生长的东西貌似都和土地有关系,于是土地成了记忆里深刻的东西。有时,我在城市夜半醒来,会闻到一股湿土的气味。然而,我知道,那是一个回不去的地方。那里聚集的人还算多,每天都
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